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句1词伙提示:obey different rules/follow rules

句2词伙提示:strict discipline, have an adverse impaction/limit the development of, problem-solving abilities

句3词伙提示:hold somebody accountable for/be responsible for, develop good behavior patterns/exhibit good behavior, from a young age

句4词伙提示:be aware of/be conscious of, bad behavior, set rules, behave in a socially acceptable way/behavioral norms

句5词伙提示:greet others, make polite requests, show table manners

句6词伙提示:forbid inappropriate behaviors, use profanity/speak rudely, interrupt teachers

句7词伙提示:have a positive influence on/have a positive impact on, establish the strict rules, give priority to

句8词伙提示:rely heavily on, solve problems/tackle problems

句9词伙提示:manage time, cope with demands/meet requirements

句10词伙提示:have a fulfilling career, achieve succession, succeed in

句11词伙提示:stifle one’s creativity/limit imagination

句12词伙提示:put one’s ideas into practice, disobey rules/fail to comply with rules

句13词伙提示:write essays, express one’s ideas/thoughts

句14词伙提示:in the real world/in the workplace, use imagination


句1词伙提示:technological advances, technological development, accumulate wealth, become better off, life expectancy, live longerlives

句2词伙提示:senior citizens, older people, contribute significantly to society, demographic change, cause problems, problems arise from

句3词伙提示:population ageing, an ageing population, medical costs, impose a burden/add a burden

句4词伙提示:medical needs, medical costs,medical expenses, in the last years of life, in later decades

句5词伙提示:care for/look after, vitalservices, essential services, underfunded/ short of money

句6词伙提示:slow pace of work, seniorworkers, workers in their 50s

句7词伙提示:with age, as people age,absorb information/knowledge, complete work, perform tasks

句8词伙提示:delay retirement, put offretirement, younger employees, junior staff

句9词伙提示:extend working life, a valuableasset, a productive asset

句10词伙提示:live healthier lives, healthyeating, healthy diet

句11词伙提示:impart knowledge, pass onskills to, share knowledge with

句12词伙提示:manage a company, run abusiness, provide good services, high quality services

句13词伙提示:extension of life expectancy,increase in life expectancy, put strains on, put pressure on, reduceproductivity

句14词伙提示:economic development/economicgrowth, make good use of, make optimal use of


句1词伙提示:watch television, educational programmes/informative programmes, an effective method of learning/learning method, audio-visual information, attract students’attention/grab attention, engage their interest

句2词伙提示:TV programmes, educational value, increase screen time

句3词伙提示:television viewing, interfere with children’s studies

句4词伙提示:get distracted easily, without adults’ supervision/presence/guidance

句5词伙提示:watch television frequently, concentrate on learning tasks, poor grades/poor academic performance
