(英语) 英语一般现在时专题练习(及答案)

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A.hadn’t done B.didn’t do
C.haven’t done D.don’t do
【解析】考查时态。句意为:我们不知道如果我们不采取措施阻止雾霾天气的话,我们未来将呼吸什么样的空气。根据主句的时态和时间状语“in the future”可知,if条件句要用一般现在时表将来。根据句意可知选D。
A.contributing toB.contribute to
C.contributes toD.to contribute to
句意:地球大气层中越来越多的二氧化碳和其他气体导致了全球变暖。分析可知An increased concentration为句子的主语,谓语动词应用单数第三人称形式。故选C。
【解析】考查时态语态。句意:我得说他读得很好,如果有一天他以演戏为生的话,我也不会感到惊讶。根据时间状语one day可知是表示将来的意思,if从句用一般现在时表示将来的意思,故选D。
5.As the town ______ good restaurants, we just treated the foreign friends to some local foodat home yesterday.
英语中有些动词在形式上是主动的,含义上却是被动的,但是这些动词这样用时又不是不及物动词。常见的这类动词有:sell, wash, cook, wear, rite, look, open, shut, translate, read, last, cut等。
A.didn’t haveB.doesn’t have
C.won’t haveD.hadn’t had
A.checked B.would check
C.will check D.check
12.I intend to buy that kind of clothes because I ____ that they _____ well.
7.We have no idea what air we will be breathing in the future if weanything to stop hazy weather.
8.This kind of gel pen which ______ smoothly is quite popular with students.
A.is written B.is writing C.wrote D.writes
试题分析:句意为:这种写起来非常流畅的中性笔很受学生的欢迎。部分动词如tear, sell, write等可用主动形式也可用被动形式,当说明事物本身所具备的性质时要用主动表被动的形式,当说明具体的动作时要用被动语态。Fg: The kind of paper tears easily.
第一空考查的是主谓一致。Many a+单数的可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式;第二个空是有which引导的非限制性定语从句,根据in the past,应用过去式。所以选A。
2.An increased concentration of carbon dioxide and certain other gases in the Earth’s atmosphere ______ global warming.
A.provesB.will proveC.is provingD.has proved
15.Frank ________ stamps in his spare time. It’s his hobby.
(英语) 英语一般现在时专题练习(及答案)
1.Many a woman______ important positions in society, which________impossible in the past.
A.holds; wasB.hold ; wereC.held; wasD.holding; were
—Would you like a piece of this kind of cloth?
—It sells well.它好卖。
17.—When are you leaving?
—My plane _________ at six.
A.took offB.is about to take off
6.By the time the teacher _______ back, we ________ the thorough cleaning.
A.came, have finishedB.comes, have finished
C.will come, will have comeD.comes, will have finished
A.comes B.is coming C.have come D.will come
【解析】考查动词时态。句意:新当选部长们应该明白,伴随着成为这个国家的政府官员的殊荣的是职责重大。根据with the great honor of …可知,介词短语位于句首,谓语动词倒装,主语是responsibility,单数名词,因此用单数形式,本句表述客观事实,用一般现在时,故选A。
10.The number of people who______ English as a foreign language_______ more than 750 million.
A.learns; isB.learn; areC.learns; areD.learn; is
4.I must say he reads very well, and I shouldn’t be surprised if he ______ acting for a living one day.
A.had taken up B.would have taken up C.have taken up D.takes up
C.takes offD.will take off
18.The Dragon Boat Festival ________ the beginning of the hottest season of the year.
第一空先行词为people,故定语从句的谓语动词要用复数;the number of修饰名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。
11.On an average day most of us _____ our smart phones 47 times, and nearly double that if we’re between the ages of 18 and 24.
9.The newly-elected ministers should understand that with the great honor of being government officials of this nation ________ great responsibility.
A.have told; washB.have been told; wash
C.was told; washedD.have been told; are washed
13.Many gasesin the atmosphere actuallyheat energy that escapes from the Earth’s surface back to the earth.
A.finding; reflectingB.found; reflected
C.found; to reflectD.found; reflect
14.A long road tests a horse’s strengtBiblioteka Baidu and a long-term task ________ a man’s heart.
16.The doctor suggested that I keep away from oily food, because it ________ easily.
A.isn’t digestB.doesn’t digest
C.isn’t to digestD.won’t be digested
A.is markingB.marksC.will markD.marked
19.During the quality time at night, the father enjoys watching TV, while the mother together with her three childrenfond of listening to popular songs.
A.is collectingB.collects
C.collectedD.was collecting
试题分析:考查时态。句意:Frank在他的空闲时间收集邮票。这是他的爱好。根据“It’s his hobby”可知,这是Frank经常做的事情。用一般现在时,故选B。
3.---Alan seems a lot taller than when I last saw him.
---He. He’s grown a foot since you saw him in Shanghai.
A.isB.will be
C.has beenD.was
试题分析:考查时态。第二人的回答He _____.是紧随上句,所以时态和第一句的seems保持一致即:一般现在时。句意:—Alan比我当初看见他的时候似乎高了一点。—,确实,自从你上次在上海见到他又长高了一英尺。故选.A