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1.Mary was disappointed when she found out they had gone to the ball ________ her.


B. except for

C. without

D. besides

2.It’s the third turning ________ the left after passing the post office.


B. in

C. on

D. for

3.The policeman helped the old woman ________ the street.


B. past

C. across

D. over

4.Early ________ the morning of May 1, we started off ________ the mountain village.

A.in; for

B. in; to

C. on; /

D. on; for

5.How many people are there ________ your basketball team?


B. at

C. among

D. with

6.The tables in that restaurant are so close together that there’s hardly room to move ________



B. between

C. among

D. of

7.________ the two books that I’ve read, I like the second better.


B. Of

C. About

D. Among

8.Tom sold his car ________ a thousand dollars.


B. by

C. for

D. in

9.I bought these books ________ ten yuan a copy.


B. at

C. for

D. with

10.I had planned to reach London ________ Wednesday morning, but I didn’t arrive ________

Friday evening.

A.on; on

B. in; in

C. in; till

D. on; until

11.What is the difference ________ pronunciation ________ the two words?

A.of; between

B. in; between

C. of; in

D. in; of

12.The experiment is intended to examine the effect ________ lack of sleep ________ healthy


A.for; on

B. on; of

C. from; of

D. of; on

13.________ the sound of the knocking ________ the door, he rose and went to open it.

A.On; /

B. At; on

C. To; of

D. With; at

14.Please write ________ ink, and don’t forget to write ________ every other line.

A.with; at

B. by; between

C. with; in

D. in; on

15.The traveler did not know ________ which direction to go.


B. to

C. for

D. in

16.The other day Li Ming dropped in ________ Li Fang ________ her house.

A.at; on

B. on; at

C. but; at

D. /; on

17.Please retell the story ________ your own words.


B. by

C. in

D. at

18.You can easily get books ________ Shakespeare at any big bookstores.


B. with

C. for

D. to

19.There is an increase of 16% in the consumption of tobacco ________ the previous year.


B. than

C. to

D. then

20.It was a small pocket book three inches ________ two


B. to

C. for

D. by
