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The two boats started off in the dark. Nick heard the oarlocks of the other boat quite a way ahead of them in the mist. The Indians rowed with quick choppy strokes. Nick layback with his father‟s arm around him. It was cold on the water. The Indian who was rowing them was working very hard, but the other boat moved further ahead in the mist all the time.

"Where are we going, Dad?” Nick asked.

……Over to the Indian camp. There is an Indian lady very sick."

"Oh," said Nick.

Across the bay they found the other boat beached. Uncle George was smoking a cigar in the dark. The young Indian pulled the boat way up on the beach. Uncle George gave both the Indians cigars. They walked up from the beach through a meadow that was soaking wet with dew, following the young Indian who carried a lantern. Then they went into the woods and followed a trail that led to the logging road that ran back into the hills. It was much lighter on the logging road as the timber was cut away on both sides. The young Indian stopped and blew out his lantern and they all walked on along the road.

背景介绍:本篇节选自海明威的《印第安寨子》(Indian Camp),语言简洁、含蓄、自然,这是译文要传达的第一要领。流畅是所有翻译的共同要求,达到流畅的一个重要途径是连贯,包括语序的调整,词义的变通,指称的匹配,句子的连接等等。


1. oarlocks :桨架。

2. choppy strokes: “choppy,,意为“having many small waves; rough (波涛汹涌的)”,这里指摇桨拍打着水面。

3. over to the Indian camp:"over"表示“across(a street, an open space, etc)”,即“穿过,横过(街道、开阔地等)”。"Take these letters over to the post office.(把这些信送到对面邮局去)“又如,"Let me row you over to the other side of the lake.(我把你划到湖对岸去吧)”此句可译为:“到对面印第安人的寨子里。”

4. Across the bay they found the other boat beached: beach是动词,表示"bring (esp. a boat or ship) on shore from out of the water. 即指“船只从水中推或拖至岸上”,故此句译为“从湖湾的水面远远望去,他们看见前面的那只船巳经停泊在湖滩上。”

5. They walked up from the beach through a meadow that was soaking wet with dew,

following the young Indian who carried a lantern :翻译这句注意英语中的连贯与中文的连贯之间的差异。谋求译文连贯是文学作品翻译的必经之路。通过调整语序,可译为“他们一行跟着提灯笼的印第安小伙子离开湖滩,走进一片被露水打湿的草地。”



“到对面印第安人的寨子里。那儿有个印第安妇女病得很厉害。” “噢”尼克答道。



There were eight Japanese gentlemen having a fish dinner at Bentley‟s. They spoke to each other rarely in their

incomprehensible tongue, but always with a courteous smile and often with a small bow. All but one of them wore glasses. Sometimes the pretty girl who sat in the window beyond gave them a passing glance, but her own problem seemed too serious for her to pay real attention to anyone in the world except herself and her companion.

She had thin blonde hair and her face was pretty and petite in a Regency way, oval like a miniature, though she had a harsh way of speaking-- perhaps the accent of the school, Roedean or Cheltenham Ladies' College, which she had not long ago left. She wore a man's signet-ring on her engagement finger, and as I sat down at my table, with the gentlemen between us, “so you see we could marry next week,”

“Y es?”

Her companion appeared a little distraught. He refilled their glasses with Chablis and said, “of course, but Mother…”

I missed some of the conversation then, because the eldest Japanese gentleman leant across the table, with a smile and a little bow and uttered a whole paragraph like the mutter from an aviary, while everyone bent towards him and listened, and I couldn‟t help attending to him myself.

背景介绍:本篇节选自英国作家格雷厄姆格林(Graham Greene ) 的The Invisible Japanese Gentlemen。题目的翻译向来是见仁见智,有的倾向直译,有的倾向意译。过去考虑中国读者的接受能力,多采用意译;而现在随着国门的打开,译文更强调符合原文,介绍外国文化,因而趋于直译。此处的“看不(invisible) ”并非指日本绅士有什么超人的魔法,只是对于专心自己事务、对其他一切一概不加留意的女主人公而言,他们如同不存在一般。作者旨在通过这个“视而不见”的插曲刻画女主人公的性格特征并使故事带上了幽默感。由此可见,《视若无睹》(意译)比《看不见的日本绅士》(直译)似乎更能起到提纲挈领的作用。


1. They spoke to each other rarely ... with a courteous smile ...:( 1 ) tongue:语言,口语。譬如‟ “native tongue / mother tongue (本国语)";(2) rarely:修饰的是动词"spoke",并非全句。不可译为“他们很少用那种不可理解的话语讲话……”;(3 ) always with a courteous smile修饰的是略去的主谓语(they spoke to each other )0如简单地译为“……他们很少交谈,总是一副笑容可掬的样子……",读者会误解为“他们不在交谈时总是……”,因此需要在汉译英时补上省略的谓语“他们很少交谈,而说话时总是……”。

2. sat in the window beyond:女主人公坐在凸出楼外、三面有窗的一翼(称为"bay window——凸窗”,即从楼的外墙突出来的一连串窗子,里面形成一个凹壁)里,从叙述者的角度看,称为"beyond (the Japanese gentlemen)”。

3. passing:匆匆的,不经心的,表面的;随便的。a passing glance:匆匆一瞥。

4.her own problem seemed too serious for her to pay:一般将"too...to..."结构译为“太……以致……”。但若此句译为“她自己的问题看来太严重了,以致她对……”,有客观描述之嫌。而从下文可以看出,作者是指她把自己的事情看得过重(too serious for her),从而说明了后文发生一系列“视若无睹”插曲的主观因素。

5. thin:此句表面上看没有什么难点,但"thin"这个单词的把握甚为重要。通常"thin"形容头发是指“稀疏(not closely packed)“。譬如,Your hair's getting thin.(你的头发愈来愈少了)。但作者笔下这样一位漂亮小巧的年轻姑娘怎么会头发稀疏呢?原来此处"thin"是"not great in diameter or cross section; fine (细的直径或横断面小的;纤细的)”之意。譬如,“thin wire (细电线)”。由此可见,准确的理解是翻译的先决条件,必须认真从上下文,乃至通篇的角度来确定。

6. petite:意为"small, slender, and trim (娇小的,柔弱的,苗条的)”,用于少女或妇女。

7. Regency:指19世纪初英王乔治三世神经错乱后由其子摄政的时期,当时崇尚纤细小巧,女子以瘦小为美。

8. oval like a miniature:考虑汉语的表达习惯。原文描写脸“长得漂亮”和“像..一样是椭圆形的"是并列关系。但汉语就直接描述以“漂亮的鹅蛋脸”为宜。"like a miniature"乍一看,前文“小巧玲珑(petite)“ 已包括进去了,但细品作者的意图,才会发现它起到前后呼应的作用,在译文中要直译其具体形象“又像一帧袖珍肖像”才好。


10. between us:"us"这个代词在译为汉语时,不能简单化处理为“我们”,这样会造成语义混乱。分析上下文,不难发现"US"指“我”和“她”,宜作具体化翻译。
