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1.As it was quite windy outside, Jack closed all the windows and doors

so that the baby would not catch cold. 外面风很大,杰克关上了所有的门窗,这样宝宝就不会着凉了。

2.The candidate toured in several cities in the state, giving speeches of

his political viewpoints so that more people would vote for him. 候选人去不同的地方发表自己的政治演说,为的是更多的人会投他一票。

3.Tom cleaned his father’s car and mowed the lawn by himself so

that his father might forgive him for his failure in the math exam. 汤姆一个人帮父亲洗车、割草,这样他父亲也许会原谅他这次数学考试不及格。

4.Mr. Johnson made full preparation for the experiment so that it

would go on smoothly. 约翰逊先生为这个实验作了充分准备,以便实验能顺利地进行。

5.I’ll give you all the facts so that you can judge for yourself. 我将所



免。(Use ”so that”)We should do our utmost to forecast

earthquakes so that destruction of property caused by them could

be avoided as much as possible.


(Use ”which” clause)A farmer noticed large schools of fish

swimming on the surface of the water, which, he said, indicated an earthquake might occur.


(keep sth. handy)Keep an English-English dictionary at hand, and when you can not interpret a word with accuracy, you can look it up any time.

9.如有必要,生活在将要发生地震地区的人可以睡在帐篷里。(if necessary)

If necessary, people who live in the area where an earthquake is

likely to occur can sleep in tents.

10.对一个想找工作的学生来说,有没有硕士学位的确有很大影响。(make a

difference)A master’s degree does make a great difference to a

student who hunts for a job.


(in addition to) In addition to the knowledge about earthquakes, the book tells us how to prepare for them.

12.A s most of the people who die in earthquakes are killed by falling

buildings, building structures must be improved so that they can

withstand the power of earthquakes.由于在地震中遇难的大多数人是被倒塌的建筑物砸伤而丧生的,所以一定要改进建筑结构,使之具备抵御地震的力量。

13.P eople should have supplies of water and food at home and at work,

which is especially necessary in possible occurrence of an earthquake.


14.I n both Japan and China, people have long believed that

earthquakes can be forecast by watching the behavior of animals.在日本和中国,人们一直相信通过观察动物行为是可以预测地震的。

15.B esides working to improve building structures, people in areas

where earthquakes are common should also prepare for the

possibility of a great earthquake in several other aspects.除了努力改进建筑结构之外,生活在地震多发区的人们还应该从其他几个方面为可能发生的大地震作准备。

16.I t is sensible for every family to make earthquake emergency plans

and all the family members should know how to leave the area

during the chaos following an earthquake.每个家庭都制定地震应急计划是明智的,并且所有的家庭成员都应该了解在地震过后的混乱中,如何逃离那个地区。

17.A s the few remaining working telephone lines will be very busy, all of

the family members should call to check in with a friend or relative who lives far away from the earthquake-stricken area.由于剩下的几条可用电话线路将会很忙,所有的家人都应该给住在远离地震灾区的朋友或亲戚打电话,以报平安。
