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2010 年贵阳市初中毕业生学业考试


(满分150 分,考试时间120 分钟)

第Ⅰ卷(选择题共100 分)

Ⅰ.听力测试(本大题共30 分,每小题1 分)(略)

Ⅱ.单项选择(本大题共15 分,每小题1 分)


“When is your mother’s birthday,Tina?”“It’s on July the .”

A.twenty B.ninth C.five

Sam and Danny are twins,parents teach English in

Guiyang.A.They B.Them C.Their

Look! Some children in the river.Let’s go and join

them.A.swim B.are swimming C.will swim

People in Korea bow when they meet for the first

time.A.supposed to B.are suppose to C.are

supposed to

If you want to take care of your health,you should junk

food.A.stay away from B.look forward to

C.get along with

“Is that boy Ken?”“It be him.He has gone to Zunyi.”

A.must B.can’t C.needn’t

Guiyang is a beautiful and clean city.There are many flowers on sides of the streets.A.either B.neither C.both 35.I didn’t go to bed my mother came back late last

night.A.so B.until C.though

39.Nancy is really a hardworking student.We often see her books in the

classroom.A.read B.to read C.reads

40. “Judy ,it’s raining so heavily .”“Yes ,but the radio says it will be even

tomorrow .”

A .worse

B .bad

C .worst

41. “Have you

spoken to a foreigner?”“Not yet .I haven’t got a chance .”

A .never

B .also

C .ever

42. “Do you have your summer plan ,Bill?”“Well ,I want to go

to relax with my family .”

A .interesting somewhere

B .nowhere interesting

C .somewhere interesting 43. Mr . W hite is angry with Jenny .He wants to know

often late for class . A .why she is

B .why is she

C .she is why

44. Mario

this pair of shoes for about six years .It’s too old to

wear . A .has bought B .has had C .bought 45. These four students always go climbing with very b ig backpacks

weekends . A .on B .in

C .of

Ⅲ.情景交际(本大题共 10 分,每小题 1 分) A .从右栏中找出左栏各句恰当的应答。

46. How often do you go to the bookstore ,May?

A .I watched a ball

game . 47.Let’s play chess ,OK? B .Because it’s

broken . 48.Most students have too much homework to do . C .I agree with you . 49.What did you do last Friday afternoon? D .Once a week . 50.Could you please take out the trash ,Ted? E .Good idea .

F .OK ,I’ll do it right away .

B .补全对话 从所给的选项中选择五个选项完成对话。 A :What’s wrong with you ,young man? B : 51

A :Do you have a headache?

B :No .But I’m coughing badly and 52 A :How long have you been like this? B : 53

A :Open your mouth and say “Ah ...” Hmm ,nothing serious .You’ve just got a cold .

B :What should I do ,doctor?

A :Don’t worry . 54 Drink more water and have a good rest .

B :Oh ,doctor ,I can’t take a rest at home .I must go to school .I have a very important exam tomorrow . A :You can go to school . 55 Then you’ll be all right very soon . B :Thank you .

Ⅳ.完形填空(本大题共 15 分,每小题 1 分)



You have probably never heard of Amy Winterbourne 。 but she is a most 56 woman .She lives in a house that she built herself out of trash .Well ,the stuff 57 called trash ,but now it is called “recycled ” material .The windows and doors came from 58 around the town that were being pulled down .The walls are made from old glass bottles that are 59 .The roof is made from 60 tiles .And the fence is built out of used soda cans .Amy recently won 61 from the Help Save Our Planet Society .The president Jackson S mith

A. For two days .

B. I’m not feeling well .

C .I can play soccer with my

friends . D .Take this medicine three times a day .

E. You should sleep late again ,

F. But don’t work too long .

G. I’ve also got a sore throat .
