医学考博英语题库【章节题库】-第3章 完形填空【圣才出品】

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We are living at a critical point in our history. Once upon a time primitive peoples feared storms and the night and lived by superstitions. Then science rationalised things and created order, and brought us to the point 1 we could invent theories of creation and 2 them in the laboratory. We began to feel 3 . We were aware that there were man-made threats which could wipe us off the surface of the Earth. But the Universe would go on for ever.

Now we are not absolutely sure. We are becoming increasingly conscious of our vulnerability, and so far 4 very little about it. With planning we might, one day, escape the Earth and colonise space. 5 , transatlantic flight is commonplace today but 6 simply a dream in Columbus’ time, five hundred years ago.

More than a few scientists believe that mankind’s arrival is so improbable that it is as if Nature 7 to bring it about. They see hints that the Universe created life to be its agents for immortality. As far as we know, we are the ones who have to carry out the task. 8 we can avoid extinction in the short 9 , then we may propagate throughout space into the indefinite future. You and I have no entitlement to life; we inherited it 10 . Now that we are here, we have the duty to play our part in the great human relay race.

1. A. at that

B. where

C. which

D. by which

2. A. appraise

B. evaluate

C. test

D. criticize

3. A. Omnipotent

B. Ominous

C. oblivious

D. obscure

4. A. have done

B. did

C. are doing

D. should have done

5. A. However

B. Therefore

C. Above all

D. After all

6. A. would have been

B. was

C. were

D. would be

7. A. constructed

B. conspired

C. convened

D. conducted

8. A. as

B. provided

C. unless

D. since

9. A. time

B. period

C. account

D. run

10. A. by occasion

B. right away

C. by accident

D. ourselves


1. B

这里空格后面的显然是个修饰这个名词的定语从句。At that错在这个that,通常是不用that作这种定语从句的关联词的。C which错在which在从句中不能起任何句子成分。

D by which错在by上,因为by是引起方式状语的介词。而方式状语在这里是不合题意的。

只有B.where合适,因为它正好是修饰to the point的定语从句的引导词。句子大意:我们已经到达了我们能够发明创造性的理论并在实验室检验的程度(地步,境界等)。故B为正确答案。

2. C


3. A


4. A

so far通常都是与完成时态,尤其是现在完成时。D具有一定的干扰性,因为考生以为虚拟语气是考点,所以就想当然地选了D。但仔细一想就可以明白这个道理:should have done表示“本来应该做(到)而没做”。

5. D


6. A

