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1. Since we are on the point of concluding an important business with the captioned company, we would like to know their financial standing and modes of business. 我们即将与上述公司达成一项重要贸易,请告诉我们有关该公司的资信及经营状况。

2. We would appreciate it very much if you could send us your catalog together with the current sales terms. 如能寄来商品目录以及现行销售条款,我们将不胜感激。

3. Would you please tell us frankly whether you think it advisable to give the captioned company a credit to the extent of $30,000? 请直言相告,我们给该公司$30,000的信用额度可行吗?

4. We would appreciate your paying the bill without delay. 请从速结账。

5. Specializing in the export of household appliance, we wish to express our desire to trade with you in this line. 我们专门从事家用电器的出口业务,所以我们期望与贵公司在这一领域的合作。

6. It would be very much appreciated if you would confirm the shipping arrangement as soon as possible. 请尽快确认装运安排。

7. We should be pleased to receive your illustrated catalogue and pricelist of plastic kitchenware.请寄给我们你方图示的产品目录和塑料餐具价目表。

8. We are grateful to you for having offered us the information about your local markets. 感谢你们向我们提供当地市场情况。

9. We would appreciate it very much if you would send us the latest patterns and price lists of your cotton underwear as advertised in the magazine Cloth. 请寄给我们你方在《服饰》杂志上广告的棉质内衣的最新款式和价目表。10. Would you please mail us some sample materials from which the items are made? 请给我们寄一些制造这些产品的样料。11. We should like to know if you are prepared to grant us a special discount. 请问你们能否给我们特殊的折扣?12. It would be quite helpful if you could supply us with your newly developed very heavy weight sponge. 如果贵方可提供新开发的重海绵,对我们的帮助会很大。13. We shall be obliged if you will send us some samples with the best terms at your earliest convenience. 如果贵公司能及早寄给我们一些样品并且给予我们最优惠的条件,将不胜感激。14. We would like to have a booklet which includes your latest designs for building up the equipment. 我们想要一本含有建造该设备所用的最新设计图样的小册子。15. I am writing about possibility of establishing a long-term business relationship since both of us fall into the scope of electronic industry. 鉴于我们双方都从事电子工业方面的业务,现特致函探讨是否有建立长期业务关系的可能。16. We learn from your representative office in Beijing that you are one of the major dealers in the food industry. 从贵公司驻北京代表处得知,贵方是与食品工业相关的主要经营商之一。17. Your

company has been recommended o us by

the TP Group of Light Industrial

Products with whom we have been well

connected for many years in the field of

woolen textiles. TP轻工业集团和我们


们推荐我们与贵公司联系。18. Would

you please ship us ten cases of PI-435

coffee sets for our annual spring

commencing from March 15th? 请运送



19. We are pleased to place an order with

you for the following household electric

appliances. 我高兴得向你方订购以下家

用电器。20. We are writing to confirm

our telex this morning ordering the

following items stated on your current

summer catalog. 现去信确认我们今天


商品目录所列的以下商品。21. Thank

you for your letter and the samples

enclosed. We find both prices and quality

satisfactory and are glad to return you the

completed order form for the following.



填好的以下货物的订单。22. It would

be appreciated if you could arrange for

the immediate shipment of our order. 请

贵方马上安排装运这批货物。23. The

payment of the goods is to be made by

the irrevocable letter of credit opened in

your favor fifteen days after your

acceptance of the order. 我们将在你方


人的不可撤销信用证付款。24. We are

anticipating the prompt shipment and the

desire of establishing a regular

connection for the future if this

consignment proves confirming to the

sample supplied. 我方盼望你方及时装



We place our order subject to your

supply exactly complying with the terms

and conditions agreed. 我们的订货是以


的。26. As the goods are badly needed,

we find it necessary to stress the

importance of making punctual delivery;

and delay in shipment would result in our

withdrawal of this order. 由于货物紧俏,



订货。27. Enclosed is our Order Form

No.0732 for five of the items you offered

on March 20. 随函附上0732号订单,


物。28. Thank you very much for your

letter with patterns and price list. We

have made our choice and take pleasure

in enclosing our Order No.335. 感谢你方


单335号上所列货物。29. Your

samples received favorable comment

from our customers, and enclosed please

find our order for… 你方寄送的样品受


订购… 30. This is a trial order. Please

send us 30 sets only so that we may tap

the market. If successful, we will place

larger and further orders with you in the

future. 这次仅试订30套货用于开发市


31. The quality of the goods must be in

strict conformity with that of the sample.

货物的质量必须和样品一致。32. This

order must be executed within five weeks

or else we will have to cancel the order.


则我们只能取消订货。33. Would you

be so kind as to deal with this order as

one of special urgency? 请尽快办理我方

订货。34. It is our sincere hope that this

will be the first step to a long and

mutually satisfactory business

relationship with your company. 我们真


一步。35. I am writing for a replacement

of the dictionary attached. 请跟换随函寄

去的字典。36. Would you please correct

your shipment by sending the order

No.0345 by the first available vessel?请

尽快发送订单No.0345 项下错发货物。

37. It would be highly appreciated if you

could look into the execution of our order

dated 7th June for three cartons of

personal computers, which should have

reached our destination two weeks ago.



We feel it necessary to inform you that

your last delivery of our order is not up to

usual standard. 我方有必要提醒你方,

上次交货未达通常标准。39. Upon

inspection, it was found that the total

content had been short-delivered by 1.5

tons. 经检验,这批货物少交了1.5 吨。

40. On comparing the goods received

with the sample supplied, we were sorry

to notice the great differences in the

designs of the machines. 比较收到的货


面有重大差异,甚憾。41. After having

the boxes examined we found that they

were not strong enough for the long

distance delivery. 经检查,我们发现箱

子不够坚固,不宜长途交货。42. It is

regrettable to see that the chemical

content of Item 073 is not up to the

percentage contracted. 很遗憾,073项


定的百分比。43. There is a discrepancy

in colors between the received materials

and the samples. 收到的材料和样品的

颜色不相同。44. This lot of goods is not

up to the standard stipulated in the

contract, the quality being so poor as to

render them unsuitable for the

requirements of this market. 这批货物达


质量的要求。45. The CCIB survey

report is forwarded herewith and we hope

you will see your way to making a

prompt settlement. 随函寄去商检证明,

请尽快妥善处理此事。46. The quality
