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Don't botherme 别烦我

One day a kind man met a panicky littleboy inhis neighbor-hood when hewas going homefromhis office.

He noticed thatthe boy seemed tohave foughtwithother boys. He kindlysaid: "Why do youhave ablackeye,littleman?Iam s orry to see that?"

Unexpectedly the boy replied angrily: "Don't bother me.Yougohome to feelsorryfor your ownlittle boy-he hasgot two!"




Naivereasoning 天真的推理

Amanwas telling a story to hisson,a four-year-oldboy.The boy no ticedalockof gray hair on his father's headand asked: "Why are som eof your gray,papa?"

"Papa will get a gray hairevery time his little boyis naughty," said his fat her,thinking to take theadvantage of this opportunity to givehim a moral lesson.

The boy thought for amoment, andthen naively said: "Oh, I see why my grand papa hasalot of grayhairon hishead.I think hemust have had very naughty boys."




Can you eat anymore你还能吃吗

In Chemistry class,theteacher was explainingthe relationshipbetween sol vent andsolute: "A certainsolvent can onlydissolvea certain solute. For example, you have eaten a bowl of rice, then onemore bowl.After having eaten

the third bowl, you havefelt full to the throat. At this time,can you eat any more?"

One of the students asked: "Is there any dish?"



Agarbage collector 垃圾收集工

John was ten yearsold, and hewasaverylazy boy.

Hehad to go to school of course,but he was bored there and tried to doas littlework aspossible.His fatherand mother werebothdoctorsan dthey hoped that he would becomeone, too,when hegrew up,but on eday Lohn said to his mother, "WhenI finishschool, I want to become a garbage collector."

"A garbage collector?"hismotherasked. She was very surprised. "That's notavery pleasant job.Why do you want to become agarbagecollector?"

"Because thenI'd onlyhave to workone day aweek,"Lohn answered. "Only one day aweek?"hismother said. "Whatdo you mean?"

"Well,"John answered, "Iknow that the oneswho come to our house only work on Wednesday,because I only seethem onthat day."




“因为到时候我只需一周工作一天,” 约翰回答说。

“一周只工作一天?” 他母亲说。“你是什么意思?”

“嗯,” 约翰回答说,“我知道来我们家的那些人只在星期三上班,因为我只在星期三看见他们。”

