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-Written by John,Maxwell
Learning aims: 1.Cooperate with your classmates to solve problems and try to sum up these language points. 2. To be devoted to the class and enjoy the happiness to show yourself. Importances and difficulties: 3. Grasp some useful sentences and figure out the
usages of the key points through situations given: worthwhile、observe 、argue、 inspire、 intend
Ⅰ.联想记忆(根据提示写出相应的词汇以及相关短语) 1. achievement achieve one’s dream/goal 2. behave behave oneself 3. observe observe the law 4. respect treat sb.with respect 5. lead a life live a life lead-led-led 6. look down upon/on look up to 7. by chance on purpose come across 8. intend be intended for be meant for
(2)behave vi.表现;举动
behave well/badly towards sb.对某人态度好/不好
Do behave!规矩点!
mind your behaviour注意你的举止
2.observe vt. 观察;观测;遵守;庆祝 [回归教材]She spent years observing and recording their daily activities. 她花费数年观察和记录它们的日常活动。 [复习巩固] (1)I observed a stranger chatting (chat) with my father.
9. deliver deliver a speech 10. carry on
Ⅱ.构词记忆(根据提示写出相应的词汇及其派生词) 1.achieve vt.→ achievement n. 2.special adj.→ specialist n. 3.behave vi. & vt.→ behaviour n. 4.observe vt.观察→observation n. 5.respect n. & vt.→ respectable adj.→ respectful adj. 6.crowd vt.→ crowded adj. 7.kind adj.→ kindness n. 8.consider vt.→consideration n.→ considerate adj.
1.Song Qingling was a woman of great_a_c_h_i_e_v_e_m_e_n_t_s (成就).She started some organizations(组织) to care for the welfare (福利) of the kids and women. 2.Students should observe (遵守) the school rules and respect (尊敬) the teachers and never_a_r_g_u_e__ (争吵) with their classmates. 3.Don't look down on(瞧不起) the less capable students, instead, we should provide more _s_u_p_p_o_r_t_ (支持) and encourage them to carry on (继续).
高一年级英语 人教版必修四
第一பைடு நூலகம்元 Women of achievement
东 平 晁明 佩湖 中 学
Youth Day
五四运动:May Fourth Movement 共青团:China Communist Youth League 青年人,年轻人:youth
To us: Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn. 有时候你会赢,有时候你会得到教训。
(3)She behaves towards me more like a friend than mother. (4)She is pleased with her children's behaviour .
(1)behave vt.表现;举动
behave oneself表现得体;有礼貌
led/ 4.As a specialist (专家), he leads a busy life(过 着忙碌的生活), referring to (查阅) the materials in the library and delivering (发表)
5.When you have inspiration (灵感), you'll feel ideas crowding in (涌入脑海) and all of them seem worthwhile (值得的).
归纳总结 梳理导学
1.behave vt. & vi.举动;(举止或行为)表现 [回归教材] Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans. [复习巩固] (1)Behave yourself while I'm away!我不在时,你规矩点! (2)How is your new car behaving ? 你的新车性能如何?