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Chapter Four From Word to Text

I. Mark the choice that best completes the statement.

1.Which of the following term does NOT mean the same as the relation of substitutability ?

A. Associative relation

B. Paradigmatic relation

C. Vertical relation

D. Horizontal relation

2. Clauses can be used as subordinate constituents and the three basic types of subordinate clauses are complement clauses, adjuncts clauses and _______.

A. relative clauses

B. adverbial clauses

C. coordinate clauses

D. subordinate clauses

3. Names of the syntactic functions are expressed in all the following terms EXCEPT ______.

A. subjects and objects

B. objects and predicators

C. modifiers and complements

D. endocentric and exocentric

4. In English, case is a special form of the noun which frequently corresponds to

a combination of perception and noun and it is realized in all the following channels EXCEPT _______.

A. inflection

B. following a preposition

C. word order

D. vertical relation

5. In English, theme and rheme are often expressed by _____ and ____.

A. subject; object

B. subject; predicate

C. predicate; object

D. object; predicate

6. Phrase structure rules have _____ properties.

A. recursive

B. grammatical

C. social

D. functional

7. Which of the following is NOT among the three basic ways to classify languages in the world ?

A. Word order

B. Genetic classification

C. Areal classification

D. Social classification

8. The head of the phrase the city Rome is ______.

A. the city

B. Rome

C. city

D. the city Rome

9. The phrase on the shelf belongs to ______ construction.

A. endocentric

B. exocentric

C. subordinate

D. coordinate

10. The sentence They were wanted to remain quiet and not to expose themselves is

a _____ sentence.

A. simple

B. coordinate

C. compound

D. complex

II. Mark the following statements with “T” if they are true or “F” if they are false.

1.The relation of co-occurrence partly belong to syntagmatic relations, partly

to paradigmatic relations.

2.One property coordination reveals is that there is a limit on the number of

coordinated categories that can appear prior to the conjunction.

3.According to Standard Theory of Chomsky, deep structure contain all the

information necessary for the semantic interpretation of sentences.

4.In English, the object is recognized by tracing its relation to word order and

by inflections of pronouns.

5.Classes and functions determine each other, but not in any one-to-one


ually noun phrases, verb phrases and adverbial phrases belong to
