高一英语必修3 Unit2 知识点总结

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必修三Unit2 知识点整理A. Words

B. Expressions

1. diet (n. 日常饮食 & v. 节食)

be on a diet 节食(表状态) go on a diet 节食(表动作)a balanced diet 均衡的饮食 a healthy diet 健康的饮食

2. balanced adj. 均衡的 balance(n. & v.)

out of balance 不平衡 break the balance 打破平衡

lose one’s balance 失去平衡keep one’s balance 保持平衡

3. frustrated adj. 沮丧的,气恼的

feel/ be frustrated at/ with 对(因为)…感到沮丧(懊恼)【辨析】frustrated & frustrating

frustrated 常修饰人,“感到沮丧的”

frustrating 常修饰物,“令人沮丧的”

4. lose weight 减肥 put on/ gain weight 增重control one’s weight 控制体重

5. curiosity n. 好奇心

with curiosity 好奇地 out of curiosity 出于好奇

satisfy one’s curiosity 满足某人的好奇心

have curiosity to do sth. 怀着好奇心做某事

show one’s curiosity about sth. 对某事表现出好奇

6. get away with 逃脱惩罚,偷走


get away 逃脱,离开 get away from 从…逃脱,离开

get over 恢复,克服 get through 通过,完成

get along/on with 与…相处 get around (消息)传开,各处走动

get down to (doing) sth. 开始着手于(做)某事

7. tell lies ( tell a lie ) 说谎 tell a white lie 善意的谎言

【辨析】lie 与lay

8. discount n. 折扣

at/ with a discount 打折 offer/ give sb. a discount 给某人打折

9. consult v. 咨询,请教,商量

consult sb. about sth. 咨询某人某事 consult with sb. 与某人商议

consult a dictionary = look up … in the dictionary 查字典

10. earn one’s living = make one’s living 谋生

earn money 挣钱 earn respect 赢得尊重

11. in debt 欠债(反义)out of debt

pay off the debt 还清债务

12. glare ( v. 怒视,闪耀 & n.怒视,炫光 )

【辨析】glare at, stare at, glance at

glare at : 由于生气而瞪视着

stare at:出于好奇,无礼貌或者傲慢地长时间看着

glance at : 匆匆一看,一瞥

13. limited adj. 有限的

limit(n.限制,限量,限额 & v. 限制,限量)

without limit 毫无限制地 beyond limit 超出限制

set a limit to 设定…的限度

14. benefit (n.好处,利益 & v. 有利于,受益于)

beneficial adj. 有益的,有用的

be of benefit to = be beneficial to 对…有利

benefit… from…. 从… 获利

15. combine with 和… 结合

combine A with/ and B 把A和B 结合起来

16. cut down 削减,节制


cut in 插话 cut off 切碎 cut off 中止,切断 cut away 切除 cut out 删除

17. success n.成功,成功的人或事

v. succeed in doing 成功做某事

18. before long & long before


before long: =soon “不久后” 常与一般过去或一般将来时连用

long before “很久前” 常用句型: It was not long before 不久就…

19. sigh (n. & v. 叹息,叹气) sign n. 标记,符号

20. raw meat 生肉 raw material 原材料

21. win… back 赢回,重新获得

win the first prize 赢得一等奖 win the Nobel Prize 赢得诺贝尔奖

C. Sentences


常用否定词:no, not, never, nothing, nobody, hardly

含义:再也没有比… 更… 了。


1. 我从来没有看过比这更有趣的电影。

I have never watched a more interesting movie.

2. 我从没见过比他更精力充沛的小孩。

I have never seen a more energetic child.

3. 我再同意不过了。

I can not agree more.

2. have/get sb. + 宾补

have sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事,容忍某人做某事



I can’t have you telling lies to your parents.


Tom couldn’t have children playing tricks on the teacher.
