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my h o me t o wn He n a n 我的家乡河南


My hometow n henan

Good after noon, every one.l am very glad to sta nd here to in troduce my hometow n henan provi nee.

Because the most time we are located in the south of the Yellow River in the history , so we have the n ame --------------------------------------- h enan.An d,he nan is situated in the cen tral part

of lies in the mid-lower reach of the Yellow River,with an area of 160 |

thousa nd square kilometers,a nd a populatio n of n early 100 milli on.Henan is a major cradle of Chin ese culture .It is a traditi onal agricultural provi nce,a populous prov in ce,a grow ing economy and an in dustry provi nce.He nan is one of the most importa nt railway hubs in China, with its capital Zhen gzhou as the largest junction in Chi na.

rd like to in troduce from the followi ng several aspects.First,the History in | Henan.Henan is a major birthplace of the Chin ese n atio n and Chin ese civilization ."Yanhuang" is the legendary ancient Chinese two tribal leaders.Ya nhua ng is con sidered the an cestor of Chin ese civilizatio n.A nd Oracle is a kind of ancient Chin ese words, is an early form of Chin ese characters, and sometimes is con sidered to be one of the style of Chin ese characters, is also a dynasty of China's oldest existing a mature text, the earliest discovered in Yin ruins in anyang city of henan provi

nce.There are more tha n 20 capitals in Henan in history.Such as Luoya ng,Kaife ng,A nyang and Zhen gzhou.This picture is Qingming scroll and It describes the flourishing of song dynasty.ln henan there is an old say ing that The world famous,zho ngzhou half.He nan have three of the four great inven ti ons in an cie nt Chin a.such as compass,gu npowder and papermak ing tech no logy.A nd there are many Historical figures such as laozi,zhua ngzi,mozi and so on.

Then,l have to say the delicious food in Henan .Look at the picture,it ' Stewed

no odles .I like it very much.Whe n it comes to my breakfast,the soup with pepper is absolutely n ecessary.a nd this is Pan-Fried Meat Dumpli ngs Kaife tastes very well. And there are many many delicious food in henan ,lf you have a cha nee to travel in henan,you ' better have a try.

And the scenery in henan.As is known to all,there are a lot of famous sights such as Shaoli n Temple 丄on gme n Grottoes and Yin ruin s.Because of the movie Shaolin Temple,Chinese Kongfu become popular in the world. And this Mount Son g,this is Redst one Gorge.A nd so on ,there are so many beautiful sights in henan.

So l hope you can take a tour of Henan.

Welcome to Henan.

Than ks.

