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e.g. With her to help me,I feel quite at ease.

He was left alone with no one to look after him.

With him to give us a lead,our team is bound to turn out well.




e.g. I saw her driving along,with her hair streaming in the wind.

Peter soon fell asleep with the light still burning.

I won′t be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill.

From space the earth looks like a huge water-covered glob,with a few patches of land sticking out above the water.

With the boy leading the way,we found his house with no difficulty.



e.g. All the afternoon he worked with the door locked.

She sat there with her head bent.

The thief was brought in with his hands tied behind his back.


e.g. The peasants walked to the fields with hoes and spades on their shoulders.

Mr. Smith came into the classroom with a ruler under his arm and a thick book in his hand.

He looked at his son,one hundred paces away with an apple on his head.

Bamboo grows up straight and thin,with branches at the top.

She left the office with tears in her eyes.

⑤with +宾语+形容词(短语)或副词(短语)

e.g. It is rude to speak with your mouth full.

He used to sleep with the windows open.

With John away,we have got more room.

The streets looked more beautiful with all the lights on.


e.g. Without anyone noticing,I slipped through the window.

I wouldn′t dare to go home without the job finished.

We wandered on without shoes on.

Without a gardener to keep it tidy throughout the year,the garden soon deteriorated.



e.g. She saw a brook with red flowers and green grass on both sides.

And today,if you go to Salt Lake City,you can see a monument with seagulls on top of it.

The city lies in a valley with high mountains all around it.


e.g. The poor girl,with a basket on her back,searched all day from the riverside to

the foot of the mountain.

Without anything left in the cupboard,she went out to get something to eat.

Anderson was lying on the bed with all his clothes on.






e.g. Spring coming on,the trees turned green.

It being Sunday,the library was closed.

There being no buses,we had to walk home.(there being 是there be 句型的独立主格结构。)Our work (having been) finished,we went home hurriedly.

The key (having been )lost,she could not enter the room.

Weather permitting,we will go picnicking by the waterfall.

It being fine,we will go climbing in the afternoon.

Time permitting,we will go for an outing.


e.g. He lay on his back,his teeth set,his right hand clenched on his breast,and his glaring

eyes looking straight upward.

Her wallet stolen,she had no money to buy even a bus ticket.

The signal given,the bus started.



e.g. Here are the first two volumes,the third one to come out next month.


,his nose red with cold.

Betty put on her socks wrong side out.


e.g. Last night I followed him here and climbed in,sword in hand.

In front of the house was a tall tree,its top well above the tops of the other trees.

▲独立主格结构经常在句中作状语。(注意,独立主格结构只是一种结构,不是句子,因此,它与句子的主干之间一般只用逗号隔开,而不能加用诸如and ,but ,so之类的连接词。)


e.g. The teacher being ill,the lecture was put of


There being nothing to do,we went home.


e.g. The guest having left,they went on with their discussion.

The sun having risen,they continued their way.

The meeting(being)over,all left the room.


e.g. Weather permitting,we shall come.

All things considered,her paper is of greater value than yours.


e.g. The children were making a snowman,hands red with cold.
