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1.I like ___swimming____swim _____ (swim).

2.He _____reads____(read) English every day.

3.We ___go______(go)to school at seven in the morning.

4.Mike_____goes___(go)to school at seven in the morning.

5.My mother____likes____(like) __go__going_(go) shopping.

6.I can _____draw___(draw) many beautiful pictures.

7.She_____makes____(make) a model plane.

8.Do you ___like_____(like)____yun_running____(run)?

9.Does he____like_____(like)____jump_jumping____(jump) ?

10.Does Nancy____grow_____(grow)flowers on Saturday ?

11.The teachers____likes__like__(like)_____dance___dancing___(dance).

12.The teacher____likes__like__(like)_____dance__dancing_____(dance).

13.The students______speaks__speak___(speak) English in class.

14.The student____speaks_____(speak) Chinese after class.

15. Let's_____go_______and play football . ( go )

16. He______don’t____doesn’t___ like swimming . ( not )

17. I'm sorry _____hear____to hear___that . ( hear )

18. Wang Bing is______writes____writing__ ( write ) an E-mail to his friend .

19. He has_____gets___gotten_____a headache . ( get )

20. ___Do______you study English at school ? Yes , I____do_______. ( do )

21. ____does______your sister study English at school ? No , she_____doesn’t_____ . ( do )

22. I'm _____feel___feeling_ better . ( feel )

23. Why_____is_____Tom absent today ? ( be )


1.I take photos on Sunday. ( Mike)

Mike takes photos on sunday

2.We grow beautiful flowers. (she)

She grows beautiful

3.They like collecting stamps. (Ben)

Ben likes collecting stamps.

4.I listen to music carefully. (my aunt)

my aunt listens to music carefully

5.You like making a model ship. (Helen)

Helen likes making a model ship

6.We clean the classroom every day. (he)

He cleans the classroom every day.

7.They look after the pandas. (Mr Wang)

Mr Wang looks after the pandas

8.I draw a tree and some flowers. (Nancy)

Nancy draws a tree and some flowers.

9.We go to bed at eight. ( my sister)

Mysister goes to bed at eight.

10.I read newspapers in the evening. (Mr Green)

Mr Green reads newspapers in the evening.


1. 第三人称单数:wash_____washes____ match

___matches____guess____guesses__ study__study studies____ finish____finishes_____ go___goes_____ snow___snow__snows_ carry______carries___

2.写出下列动词的过去式:stop__stoped____stopped see___saw_____ drive

____drave__drove__let___let____ carry__carries__carried__ keep__keeped___ keptjoin___joined___ find____found___ think___though____thought_

teach____taught__ catch___caught___

3. 写出下列动词的现在分词形式:stay___stay staying____ begin____beginning__ forget__forgetting_____ forgot______ lie_____lying___ die _____dying__

run____ran__running_ p refer____perfer__preferring

give____gave___giving_ring__rang __ringing___ dance___dancing___


II. 用所给动词的适当形式填空:

1.I ____write___wi ll write_(write) to you as soon as I ___got__get__(get) to London.

2. He doean't feel well and __isn’t doesn’t__eat_______(not eat) any food this morning.
