新版自考英语二unit 1-TetA PPT

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(C) It has been checked from an authoritative source
take into account all the difficulties.
6. accept / take … at face value 相信表面,信以为真, 根据外表判断; You shouldn’t___________________.
take anything she says at face value.
When reading something of different culture or in a different time context, you must accept
author’s values and attitudes.
5. take … into account / consideration 顾念;考虑在内;考虑到 When _d_e_c_id_in_g(decide) what to do, we must
4. It involves __q_u_e_st_io_n_ing(question), _e_v_a_lu_a_tin_g (evaluate) and __f_o_rm_i_n_g (form) your own opinions about what the author is saying.
新版自考英语二unit 1-TetA
Para, 1
What is critical reading?
It involves (1)more than __u_n_de_rs_ta_n_di_ng__; (2)_q_u_es_ti_on_in_g__;(3)____e_va_lu_at_in_g__; and (4) ___fo_rm_i_ng____your own opinion.
Reading non-fiction writing critically involves __B____.
A) supporting the author’s opinion B) developing your own opinion C) understanding what is written D) reading without any imagination
Involve:涉及,牵涉 Don’t involve me __in_ your quarrel.
Love involves both _g_iv_i_ng(give) and _r_e_c_ei_v_in_g
Don't _e_va_l_u_at_e_ a person on the basis of appearance.
Before accepting what is written in an Fra Baidu bibliotekrticles, you should be sure that____A__.
(A) enough support for the assertion has been given
(B) Your values and attitudes have been reflected in it
不要以相貌取人。(评价,估价 )
Para. 2—7 How to be a critical reader? 1. Consider the context of what is written? 2. Question assertions made by the author. 3. Compare …with… 4. Analyze assumptions…. 5. Evaluate the sources…. 6. Identify ….bias
The employees have ___a_pp_l_ie_d to the directors for an increase in pay .
The ___a_pp_l_ic_an_t_ is required to fill out the _a_p_p_lic_a_ti_onform and submit it.
1. critical: a. 批评的,评论的;危急/紧要的 critic n. 批评家;评论员, 挑剔的人 criticize v.
1) critical reading 批判性阅读 critical thinking 批判性思考,批判思考
2) The incident happened at a critical point in the campaign.
3)All of our cultural heritage which is useful sh ould be inherited, but in a ______c_rit_ic_a_l way.
凡属我国文化遗产中有用的东西, 都应当 批判地继承。
4) The newspaper has been the most consistent ___c_r_iti_c_ of the government.
5) He openly ___c_r_iti_c_iz_ed__ the plan as impracticable.
2. apply to 实施,实行, 应用,充用 These regulations apply to everyone,
without exception. 这些规章对谁都适用,没有例外。
3. put forth a position: 提出一个立场 The scientist put forth the new theory of
Trees put forth buds and leaves in spring.