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(一)听句子,选出句子中你所听到的单词,每个句子读两遍。(5分)()k B.water C.jujce

()2.A.America B.Canada C.Australia

()3.A.nice B.dear C.cheap

()4.A.read B.speak C.repeat

()5.A.peace B.love C.building








()11.What time did the woman get to the airport to meet her father?




()12.What′s her father′s flight number?


B.V A407.

C.V A408.

()13.What time will the flight arrive?

A.3∶30 pm.

B.2∶20 pm.

C.2∶00 pm.

()14.Why is the flight late?

A.Because the airport is too busy.

B.Because the weather in New York is had.

C.Because something is wrong with the plane.

()15.How long did the woman wait in the airport that day?

A.One hour.

B.Over three hours.

C.Two hours and twenty minutes.




()26. I often hear her ____ English songs in her room.

A. sing

B. to sing

C. sings

()27. They felt________ about the video but I thonght it was ________.


B. excited;boring

C. exciting;bored

()28.It’s important ______ the piano well.

A. of him to play

B. for him to play

C. for him playing

()29. ______ is easy for me to answer the question.

A. It

B. That

C. This

()30. He’s only one year old.It’s _____hard _____understand what he said.

A. too;to

B. such;that

C. so;that

()31 . He used to_____short and _____short hair when he was young.

A. have;be

B. be;have

C. have;have

()32. Joy is very_____.She likes to meet different people.

A. outgoing

B. shy


()33. What did your friend use to _____?

He used to be short and quiet,

A. look

B. look like

C. like

()34. My mother hates ___________.So no one _____in my family.

A. smoke;smokes

B. smoking;smokes

C. smoking;smoking

()35. The boss made his woekers _____ from mooring till night.

A. work

B. to work

C. working

()36. China _____rapidly in the past thirty years

A. is developing

B. developed

C. has developed

()37. Lilei can do well in swimming, and ____.

A. so does Wu Jun

B. so Wu Jun does

C. so can Wu Jun

()38 .We wo n’t allow _____in the hospital. But you are allowed _____in the restroom.

A. smoking;smoking

B. to smoke; to smoke

C. smoking; to smoke ()39. Lily is good _____sports. Exercise is good _____her health.

A. at; for

B. for; at

C. for; for.

()40. _______ my friends _____I are pleased with the new uniform.

A. Neither;nor

B. Both; and

C. Either; or


I have a brother who is __41__ me. We __42__. Yesterday was an important day __43__ friends. In the morning __44__ of us had a big exam at the technical(技术的) college and then __45__ there was a big meeting at the youth club at 9 o'clock. (That's where we usually go when we want to __46__ ourselves) A rich woman had given us some money yesterday we __47__ decide what to do __48__. Many people wanted to buy something new for our club, but my brother and I wanted to give the money to another club that has hardly __49__. In the end we decided to give half to the poor club and __50__ half for ourselves.

()41. A. so old as B. so old that C. the same that D. the same age as ()42. A. both are 16 B. are both 16 C. are 16 both D. are 16 the both ()43. A. to us and our B. fo us and our C. to us and ours D. for us and ours ()44. A. most B. much C. more D. few

()45.A. last night B. last evening C. yesterday night D. yesterday afternoon

()46. A. enjoy B. meet C. like D. play with

()47. A. had to B. must C. should D. would

()48. A. with it B. with them C. for it D. for them

()49. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything ()50. A. a keep another B. keep the other C. hold another D. keep the


A:Hello! Peter! Nice to meet you.

B:I’m sorry.I don’t known you. 51______________?

A:I’m Jim.Your classmate.Don’t you remember me?

B:Oh, yeah. You are Jim,52 ______________?

A:Yes, I used to be short.. But now I’m 1.8 metres tall.
