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1. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Brother and sister.

B. Wife and husband.

C. Strangers.

2. What is Counter Strike?

A. A football match.

B. A computer game.

C. A movie.

3. Who will be responsible for the accident according to the woman?

A. The other driver.

B. Dana.

C. The man.

4. What did the man do last night?

A. He got married to Barbara.

B. He took part in a formal dance.

C. He proposed to Barbara.

5. Which country may be a new destination for Chinese who want to study abroad?

A. America

B. France.

C. England.







6. Which building is a four-story one?

A. The gym

B. The library

C. The fast food restaurant

7. Where is the noodle shop?

A. It’s just behind the American-style fast food restaurant.

B. It’s across the street from school.

C. It’s next to the gym.

听第7段材料,回答第8 至9题。

8. Why does the man look so tired?

A. He surfed the Internet in the classroom for a long time.

B. He carried the overhead project from the basement to the fifth floor.

C. He had to go to the classroom on the fifth floor.

9. What does the man think has changed education?

A. The overhead projector.

B. A multimedia classroom.

C. Modern advances.


10. When did the woman meet John and Eric?

A. When she did some outdoor activities with some students

. B. When she had a meeting in the Mountain Climbing Club.

C. When she ate at Pizza Hut.

11. Who comes from American?

A. John.

B. Eric.

C. The woman

12. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A. The two guys-John and Eric.

B. Jade Mountain.

C. Eric and the woman’s date.


13. What is the woman’s Plan A?

A. Going to travel around some countries like Thailand, Japan and Malaysia.

B. Going back to her country to see her parents and old friends.

C. Going to the States with some friends.

14. When will the woman ask her parents for the money?

A. When she comes back to the States.

B. When she is badly ill.

C. When it is an emergency.

15. Why does the man think they are going to have a wonderful vacation?

A. They will get together again including Zhang Hua and Li Ming during their vacation.

B. The woman will go to her hometown.

C. They will not spend too much money on their vacation.

16. Wh at’s the probably relationship between the two speakers?

A. Friends.

B. Brother and sister.

C. Mother and son.


17. Where does the speech take place?

A. On the fright.

B. In the waiting hall.

C. On the bus.

18. What’s the destination of the fright?

A. China

B. The States

C. Not mentioned

19. How long will the journey be?

hours and 30 minutes. B. 12 hours and 30 minutes. C. 20 hours and 30 minutes.

20. Where can the passengers find Dynasty magazine?

A. In the seat pocket.

B. Near the seat belts.

C. By the windows.



从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑21.—Are you going to watch TV now?


A. I’m sorry. There is no answer.

B. I would if I had time

C. All right.

D. Yes, I agree with you.

22. I knew ______John Lennon, but not _____famous one.

A.不填; a

B. a; the

C. .不填; the

D. the; a

23.—Your coffee smells great!

—It’s from Mexico. Would you like _____?

A. it

B. this

C. some

D. little

24. I arrived late, I ______the road to be so icy.

A. wouldn’t expect

B. haven’t expected

C. hadn’t expected

D. wasn’t expected

25. It is reported that the United States uses _______energy as the whole Europe.

A. as twice

B. twice much

C. twice much as

D. twice as much

26. I insist that a doctor______immediately.

A. has been sent for

B. sends for

C. will be sent for

D. be sent for

27. It is almost five years______we saw each other again.

A. before

B. since

C. after

28.—Are you coming to the English evening?.

—I am not sure. I go to the concert instead.
