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1. and与or.并列连词and和or与祈使句连用时,常用的句型为“祈使句+ and / of +陈述句”结构。如果两个分句都是肯定语气,则用and连接;如果两个分句的语气为一个肯定,一个否定,则应用or连接。如:Work hard,and you“ll catch up with others. Work hard,or you won”t catch up with others.

2. but.but表示转折,意为“但是”。由but连接的并列句可与though / although引导的主从复合句转换。but与though / although不能同时用在一个句子中表示“虽然……但是……”。如:She is very young,but she studies well. (= Although / Though she is very young,she studies well.)

3. so.so表示结果,意为“所以”。由so连接的并列句可转换成because引导的主从复合句,两者也不能同时用在一个句子中表示“因为……所以……”。如:He was ill yesterday,so he didn“t come to school. (= He didn”t come to school yesterday,because he was ill.)

4. for.for用作并列连词引导句子表示原因时,是对另一个分句的补充说明,它不能放在句子的开头。如:The day is broken,for the birds are singing.

5. while.while用作并列连词,连接的两个分句之间的关系是相对比的,指“而……”,通常不位于句子开头。

Lily and Lucy are twins. Lily“s tall while Lucy is short.复合句:复合句由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成。主句是句子的主体,从句是句子的一个成分,不能独立使用。初中阶段要求重点掌握宾语从句和状语从句,这两种从句也是中考重点考查内容之一。


1. 连接词:


(2)if或whether引导一般疑问句意义的宾语从句,译为“是否”。如:We are talking about whether he is a young pioneer.(3)连接代词或连接副词引导特殊疑问句意义的宾语从句,并且在从句中要作一定的句子成份。如:I don“t know when we will have a meeting.

2. 语序:宾语从句无论是陈述句、一般疑问句或特殊疑问句意义,一律用陈述句语序,即”主语+谓语“结构。如:I don”t know where he lives.

3. 时态:

(1)主句是一般现在时,从句根据需要可用任何一种时态。如:She says she will come back. (2)主句是一般过去时,从句必须用过去相应时态。如:She asked if I was doing my homework this time yesterday.

(3)从句为客观真理、自然现象或永恒不变的规律时,不受主句时态限制,从句使用一般现在时。如:She said that one and one makes two.注意:当主句的谓语动词是think,believe,expect(期待),suppose(猜想)等词时,其后that引导的宾语从句如果表示否定意义,通常将否定词not移至主句中,但在变为反意疑问句时,疑问部分的人称和助动词等仍然与从句保持一致。如:I don“t believe it is true,is it?


1. 时间状语从句:在时间状语从句中,常用一般现在时代替一般将来时,一般过去时代替过去将来时。引导状语从句的连接词在使用上应注意以下几点:

(1)when在引导的时间状语从句中,既可用延续性动词,也可用非延续性动词;在while 引导的时间状语从句中谓语动词一般是延续性的,从句与主句动作同时发生。如:While we were in Beijing,we saw him twice.(也可用when代替while)

(2)since表示“自从……以来”,从句一般表示动作的起点,用过去时,主句表示动作延续的情况,一般用现在完成时。如果主句表示的不是延续性动作而是目前的状态,可用一般现在时。如:It is two years since she joined the Party.

(3)till / until意为“直到……”,主句用肯定形式的延续性动词。如:They worked till it was dark.若主句的动词是终止性动词,要用否定形式,构成“no …until …”结构,意为“直到……才……”。如:He didn“t go to bed until it was ten o”clock. 2. 原因状语从句:由because,since,as等词来引导。如:Since you are free,you had better help me.

3. 结果和目的状语从句:

(1)“so…that…”与“such…that…”都可用来引导结果状语从句,前者常用的结构是“so + adj. / adv. + that…”,“so + adj. + a / an + n.(单数)+ that…”,“so + many / much / few / little + n.(不可数或复数)+ that …”。如:He ran so quickly that he won the race. It was so warm a day that we went to swim. He fell so many falls that he was black and blue.后者常用的结构是“such + (a / an)adj. +n.(单数、复数或不可数)+ that…”。如:They are such interesting animals that the children like them very much.

(2)“so that”引导状语从句,可以表示目的,也可以表示结果。表示目的时,从句中应用may,will,can这类情态动词;表示结果时,从句中多不用情态动词,而且从句前有逗号。试比较:Finish this so that you can start another.(表示目的)

Nothing more was heard of him,so that people thought he was dead.(表示结果)

()1. There was _____ that we couldn‘t hear what he said.

A. such much noise

B. such many noise

C. so much noise

D. so many noise

()2. Mr Brown is _____ teacher _____ he can’t leave his office.

A. so busy a,that

B. a very busy,that

C. such busy a,that

D. so busy a,and

()3. He is happy _____ he is poor.

A. though

B. and

C. but

D. so

()4. I can‘t find the library book _____ I’ve looked for it everywhere.

A. and

B. if

C. though

D. because

()5. Miss Yang loves her work ___ she loves books.

A. until

B. because

C. if

D. before

()6. I don‘t know _____ I will be free tomorrow. _____ I am free,I’ll come to see you.

A. if,whether

B. whether,whether

C. if,that

D. if,if

()7. We‘ll buy a computer if we _____ enough money next year.

A. will have

B. are having

C. do have

D. have

()8. Don’t get off the bus _____ it stops.

A. who

B. what

C. when

D. that

()9. Can you tell me _____ your parents are,Betty?

A. who

B. what

C. when

D. that

()10. What was Jim doing _____ his sister fell off the bike?

A. while

B. and

C. when

D. but
