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On the Difference of Sino-American Consumption Concepts

[Abstract] In recent years, with the influence of western consumption options to China, especially American consumption, most Chinese people almost agree with the saying that ―high incomes, high consume level, and high quality of life‖. Some advertisements always show us that pursuing goods is the symbol of perfect life. Some propaganda makes the consumer forget the true significance of consumption, which is to fulfill personal need. But they deliberately pursue personal status, position and taste. It not only exists in the range of the high-income people, but in the young generation, who has low income, but also is ready for high consumption in the future. Considering this question, we should not neglect the background knowledge of these two countries. Chinese family ethics are based on human relations, they take emotion for the law to deal with family relationships. Chinese people ties to each other with blood as basic coordinates of blood. For American families, individual is the foundation, and individual is the supreme value, and it does not rely on others to exist, independent of the family relationship. Speaking of the reality, both the economic systems in the two countries are also different, so the mature degree of expense credit is also different. Therefore, the styles of consumption in US are probably not suitable for the Chinese people. Undoubtedly, America has its own advantages in some aspects; so we should consciously draw on the experience of America, not blindly follow the American.

[Key Words] historical development; family education; tourism consumption; high consumption; social security system




【关键词】历史发展; 家庭道德教育; 旅游消费;高物质消费; 社会保障体系

1. Introduction

In recent years, with the influence of western consumption, especially American consumption, Chinese inhabitants almost agree with one saying, ―High income, high consumes level and high quality of life‖. Some advertisement always shows us that pursuing merchandise is the symbol of perfect life. Some propaganda makes the consumer forget the true significance of consumption, which is used to fulfill personal need. But they deliberately pursue personal status, position and taste. It not only exists in the range of the high-income people, but in the young generation, who have low income but also is ready for high consumption in the future.[1]

Why such situation appeared? We should not ignore the background knowledge of the two countries. After realizing these, we can get a conclusion that although there are

many-advanced aspects in America, we also should not pursue blindly, because it cannot separate from the factual. In China, economy develop imbalance and the culture is different. What we should do is to enhance the economy and improve the quality of people’s life. And for consumption, we should take moderate and reasonable consumption.

There are mainly three parts in the paper: firstly, to review the background knowledge of the two countries, which including histories and ethics; secondly, to analyze the education, entertainment, fashion and so on to show the different consumption levels; finally, to get a conclusion of the whole paper that is not to pursue the high consumption blindly.

2. Background knowledge

2.1 Histories

There is no doubt that there are some historical reasons for the different consumption.
