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The Characteristics of Canada’s Culture

As the second largest country in the world, Canada has its own characteristics and customs. The most particular trait in Canada is its policy of immigrants.

With thirty million Canadians, Canadian society is one of the most open, the most inclusive, the most colorful society in the world. Due to many historical reasons, the formation of ethnic in Canada is a diversified structure. You can find almost every major nation in the world in Canada. Canada's cultural diversity is one of the most important advantages. Since 1867, Canada accepted more than fifteen million immigrants. Each year, two hundred thousand new immigrants come to Canada, many of them come from China. More than one million people of Chinese immigrate to Canada. Canada has been trying to ensure that all of the Canadian citizens have the opportunity to display their potential and integrate into Canadian society. Canada's first aboriginals are the Inuit and Indians. A group of indigenous people who are from the north, the Inuit Eskimos, their ancestors come from the Asian continent. The existing Canadian Inuit live in some more estuary delta, northwest coast, the arctic islands, Hudson bay. They fish and hunt for a living. "Inuit" means "the only people". Indian name comes from Christopher Columbus discovering America in the early of misunderstanding. Indians are now living in Canada in 2200 reserves, some live in the cities. Some of the ancestors of

the Indians signed with the British colonial government (later became the Canadian government) a transfer after territory and getting compensation treaty, this part of the Indians had been called "the status of a treaty Indians". Those who had not signed a contract, is called "no treaty status Indians", because there is no compensation, so later don't enjoy equal rights with the former.

Since the 17th century, Europeans had begun to move to Canada. This action has influenced Canada a lot. After the British victory over the French, they have the right to rule Canada, but they allow the French inhabited region (mainly in Quebec) to keep the French national culture, language and religion (Catholic).Quebec has kept strong French charm of life today. The Anglo-French history of conflict and political stability requirements make English and French become two important languages in this nation. And even in Quebec, French basically becomes the only official language. The hybrids of French and Indian are called Giacometti, now the meaning of the word has been extended to refer to babies born by whites and Indians. Canada currently has over sixty thousand Giacometti people, not completely the same with Indians, they can live with their father or mother in the reservation.

Asia in recent years have a large number of immigrants to Canada, including Taiwan, Hong Kong, the number reaches one million or so. These immigrants concentrate living in Toronto, Ontario (400000 people),
