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1.Zhang Lin is a popular ______ in this school and most of her students are her fans.

A. farmer

B. doctor

C. worker

D. teacher

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】考查名词辨析。根据school和her students知道是老师,故选D。

2.(•东营)—Why do people never cut up the on their birthdays?

—Because they are a symbol of long life.

A. eggs

B. cakes

C. noodles

D. dumplings

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】考查名词。句意:—为什么人们在生日时从不切断面条?—因为是长寿的标志。A. eggs蛋;B. cakes蛋糕;C. noodles面条;D. dumplings饺子。生日,吃长寿面,人们不剪断意味着“长寿”,故选C。

3.The problems are difficult to solve. Please give me ________.

A. many advice

B. some advice

C. an advice

D. some advices

【答案】 B



4.The dishes are fantastic! Nothing tastes_ . You are such a good .

A. nice; cooker

B. better; cook

C. terrible; cook

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:这些菜太好了!没有什么菜比这些菜更好吃。你真的是一名好厨师。从语意可知暗含比较的意思,根据 The dishes are fantastic! 可知此处表示好,good的比较级better,cook厨师、厨子,名词。故选B。


5. ----Are all the students from in your class?

----No, there are only three in our class. The others are from other countries.

A. Germany; Germen

B. Germany; Germans

C. German; Germans

D. German; Germany

【答案】 B


6.__________ is the quality to be brave when you are facing difficulties.

A. Courage

B. Pride

C. Humor

【答案】 A



7.Tim got four from his relatives on Children's Day.

A. toy

B. toys

C. toies

【答案】 B



8.—Are those ____keys, Jack?

—No, they aren't. They're Uncle____.

A. yours; Sam′s

B. your; Sam

C. your; Sam′s

D. yours; Sam

【答案】 C



9.—What is the ______ of your excellent spoken English?

—Practice makes perfect!

A. result

B. influence

C. duty

D. secret


【解析】【分析】句意:你流利口语的秘诀是什么?-- 实践出真知。A. 结果B. 影响C. 职

责 D.t秘诀,故答案为D。


10.(•云南)You are supposed to be more careful to make fewer while you are writing.

A. trouble

B. matter

C. mistakes

D. problems

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:你写的时候应该更仔细,少犯错。A. trouble麻烦,烦恼;B. matter事情,麻烦事;C. mistakes错误;D. problems问题,难题。fewer修饰可数名词的复数形式,A、B错。make mistakes犯错;make problems制造麻烦。根据语境,书写时“犯错”,故选C。

11.— Which country do you think will win the first prize of the ____FIFA World Cup?

—You mean the football match will be held in __________?

A. twenty-one; Russia

B. twenty-first; Russian

C. twenty-first; Russia

D. twenty-one; Russian


【解析】【分析】句意:——你认为哪个国家会赢得第二十一届国际足联世界杯的冠军?——你是指将在俄罗斯举行的那场足球比赛?第一空,根据冠词the,判断后接序数词形式;第二空,表示在俄罗斯(Russia),Russia 在这里指国家俄罗斯,专有名词。故选C。【点评】考查数词和名词辨析。注意掌握序数词的正确写法,区分Russia和Russian的用法。

12.There's little left at home. Go and buy some, dear.

A. carrots

B. potatoes

C. rice

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】考查名词辨析。句意:家里剩的马铃薯不多了,去买一些吧。A. carrots 胡萝卜;B. potatoes马铃薯;C. rice大米。因为空格前有little,它修饰不可数名词,rice 是不可数名词,故选C。

13.—Are you sure this is a photo , the famous comedy actress?

—It surprised you, didn't it? But she was once really thin.

A. Jia Ling

B. Jia Ling's

C. of Jia Ling

D. of Jia Ling's

【答案】 C

