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1. How many girls are there in the


2.What are they talking about? Focus on the word sweater.

-Is it a new sweater?

To let the pupils understand the text in a real language context., and provide some practice to improve the listening, teach the new word:

Yellow sweater


-This is Lucy’s sweater.

-I have a new sweater, too.

-What colour is my sweater? Guess! (take out the sweater)

-Red. It’s very nice.

3.What color is the sweater?

Listen the tape twice. Focus on the key words: look at, open the book at page 37, read the text aloud.

The pupils read by themselves.

The second time guided by the teacher

The third time all the class read aloud together sweater.

Let the pupils to form a good habit by practicing.


Practicing the text

To read the text by role, give flowers of different colors to the pupils, practice five to six groups..

Practice the sentence pattern “What color is it? It’s …”. Review the materials in the software, the pupils read after it..

The teacher gives three language contexts on the basis of which the pupils make dialogues.

to further the understanding of the sentence pattern: “What color is it? It’s …”

to make the pupils think creatively
