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B, or C )? Eg: Who is the tallest, Tom,
Jack, or David? Tom, Jack与David三个人中谁最 高?
Who does homework the
most carefully in your class? 你们班谁做作业最认真?
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
3. 表示, “最…….之一”的句式,用one of the + 形容词最高级+ 复数名词
4.如果形容词最高级用来加强语气,作“十分; 非常”之意时,前面不加the。
That book is most interesting.那本书非常有 趣。 5.作宾语补足语的形容词最高级前不加 the.
I found it most difficult to get to sleep.我 发现入睡最难。
For example: in our class, in China, of them five, of the three, of all …
He is the tallest of the three .三人之中,他 最高。
2. 表示在三者或三者以上的人或物中 进行选择时, Who / Which + (be) +最高级,( A,
Do 3a:
1: worst 2: good;the best 3: more expensive; the most expensive 4: worst; most comfortably 5: best; better; most interesting
6.在一些固定用法中,最高级前通常省 略the。 With best wishes for you.向你致以最 美好的祝愿。
1. Father is the heaviest _A__ my family. A. in B. of C. among D. from
2. She is the prettiest __B__ all the girls in our class. A. in B. of C. among D. from
a.She is one of the best students in our class.
她是班上最棒的学生之一。 b. Sanya is one of the most
beautiful cities in China. 临高是中国最美的城市之一。
5. 最高级前可加序数词.
The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 黄河是中国第二长的河
1:在这四个女孩中她最高。 She is the tallest of the four girls.
2:在你家,谁起床最早? Who gets up the earliest in your family?
3:上海是世界上最大的城市之一。 Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in the world.
5. Lucy sings __C__ in our class.
A. good
B. the better
C. best
D. the best
6. Jack walks _B__ of us all.
A. slowly B. most slowly
C. slowlyest D. the most slowliest
1.形容词最高级前有序数词、物主代词、指示代词 或名词所有格等限定词修饰时,最高级前不用the。
The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黄河是中国第二长河。 2.形容词最高级在句中作表语而比较范围又不明 确时,最高级前不用the。 They are happiest on Saturdays.他们在星期六最 快乐 3.如果两个形容词最高级并列修饰同一个名词 时,第二个形容词最高级前不加the。He is the youngest and tallest boy in his class.他是班上 年龄最小、个子最高的男孩。
3. Dave is the strongest boy _B__ the three boys. A. in B. of C. among D. from
4. We are __C_ on Sundays.
A. busier B. the busier
C. busiest D. the busiest
6.最高级修饰作表语的名词、代词时, 被修饰的词往往省略.
He is the tallest (boy ) in his class.
the most important point:(最重要的一点) 形容词最高级的前面一般加定冠词the
For example:Who sings (the) most beautifully of the three?
song 歌;歌曲
DJ 音乐节目主持人
choose 挑选
carefully 谨慎地
cheaply 便宜地 comfortably 舒适地 reporter 记者 worst 最差(的)
1.三者或三者以上相比,最高,用“ the +最 高级” 的结构表示. 后可用of (in)短语等 来说明比较的范围
7. This is my _A__ dress. A. most beautiful B. the most beautiful C. beautifulest D. the beautifulest 8. Chinese is my sister’s __C__ school
subject. A. worse B. baddest C. worst D. the baddest
4:谁是我们班第二受欢迎的男孩? Who is the second most popular boy in our class?