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21.---Eddie has e-dog at home.---Oh, really?

A.the B.a C.an D./22. ---Do you often spend half an hour your homework every day?---Yes, I do.

A.for B.in C.at D.On 23. Children shouldn’t watch TV.

A.too few B.too much C.more too D.too many

24. ---Hobo,what are you doing? ---I’m as a Monkey King.A.celebrating B.dressing up C.1ooking D.excited

25. ---Would you like _____bread?--- No, I don’t want to eat _____.

A. some; some

B. any; some

C. any; any

D. some; any

26. ---Does Daniel ________ after school ? ---No, he doesn't.

A. walk home

B. walk to home

C. go to home on foot

D. go home on feet

27.She teaches English.

A.her B.us C.your D.his

28. ---Tony likes reading books.---But Betty enjoys________for things on the Intemet.

A.to looking B.1ook C.1ooking D.to look

29. ---________ is this? --- It’s a photo of my family.

A. Who

B. What

C. What’s


30. Daniel is a very __________ football player and he plays very _____.

A.good ,good

B.well, good

C.good ,well

D.well, well

31. ---It's time .---I'm coming, mum.

A.for breakfast B.have breakfast

C.for I to have breakfast D.for have breakfast

32 Thank you for ______________ me about it.

A. tell

B. to tell

C. telling

D. told

33. ______books aren’t old.______ are new.

A.Their, They

B.Their, Their

C.They’re ,They’re

D. They,They

34.---It’s 10.00 p.m.Say′′to your parents.---OK, I will.

A.Good morning B.Good evening C.Good afternoon D.Good night

35.---Jim is good basketball.---But he is weak in football.

A.at playing B.to play C.in playing D.for play




Mr. Smith lived in a village. He had ___36___ farms and about twenty people working for him. He often told them __37__ hard and be honest. (诚实的).

One day he went to a farm and worked with the workers there. Soon it was time __38___ lunch. He put ___39___ nice bread on the table and ____40___. A few minutes later he came back again but he ___41____ find the bread.

‘Who ate ___42___ on the table?’ he shouted.

Some of the workers answered, ‘We ___43___.’

The others said, ‘We saw nothing.’

‘Well,’ said Mr. Smith, ‘___44___ are a lot of mice in the rooms, you know. So I ___45___ some poison in the bread. ___46___ they eat, they must die. Then I can kill them.’

As soon as he finished, four workers began to cry. ‘Oh, dear!’

‘___47___?’ asked Mr. Smith.

‘We ate the bread when you were out. We are going to die.’ One of them cried.

‘___48___,’Mr. Smith said __49___ a smile, ‘I only ____50_____ you. Use your head.’

36. A. a few B. few C. little D. a little

37. A. work B. working C. worked D. to work

38. A. in B. at C. for D. with

39. A. two B. many C. a D. some

40. A. went out B. came in C. entered D. got in

41. A. shouldn’t B. couldn’t C. wouldn’t D. mustn’t
