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一、 连系动词

1. 连系动词有一定意义,其形式随时态及主语人称和数的变化而变化。







1. 基本用法:

情态动词加动原,不随主语人称变;否定常把not 添,疑问提到主语前。

2. 情态动词小结:

can could may might must will would shall should dare

had better ought to have\has\had to be able to need


⑴ can

①“能够”﹙常用于一般现在时﹚ 例:I start so early so that I can get to school on time. ②“可能”,表示推测“肯定” 例: He has gone to Beijing, So he can not be at work now.

⑵ could

①“能够”﹙用于一般过去时﹚例:I started so late that I could not catch the bus.

②“能够”﹙用于一般现在时,表示更加委婉的语气﹚例:Could you please help me?

③“可能”,表示推测“肯定” 例:He could not be at home because I had seen him at school. ⑶ may

①“可以”﹙用于一般现在时﹚例:You may do it now or tomorrow.

②“可能”﹙用于一般现在时,可能性较小﹚例:He can not come to school because he may be ill. ⑷ might:“可以” ﹙may 的一般过去时﹚ ⑸ must

时态\ 语态 主 动 语 态 被 动 语 态 备 注 一般现在时

原 形 或 三单 is/am/are ﹢过去分词 划线:助动词 一般过去时

过 去 式 was/were ﹢过去分词 同上 现在进行时

is/am/are ﹢ 现在分词 is/am/are ﹢being ﹢过去分词 同上 过去进行时

was/were ﹢ 现在分词 was/were ﹢being ﹢过去分词 同上 一般将来时

will/ shall ﹢动 原 will/shall ﹢be ﹢ 过去分词 同上 be going to ﹢动 原 be going to ﹢be ﹢过去分词 Be :is/am/are 过去将来时

would/should ﹢动 原 would/should ﹢be ﹢过去分词 划线:助动词 be going to ﹢动 原 be going to ﹢be ﹢过去分词 Be :was/were 现在完成时

have/has ﹢过去分词 have/has ﹢been ﹢过去分词 划线:助动词 过去完成时

had ﹢ 过去分词 had ﹢ been ﹢ 过去分词 同上 含情态动词 情态动词 ﹢ 动 原 情态动词﹢be ﹢ 过去分词

①.“必须、一定”表示主观意愿例:We must study hard for our country.

②.“一定”,表示推测,可能性较大例:The book must be his because his name is on it.

⑹.will “愿意”﹙用于一般现在时,表示委婉语气 .例:Will you please give me a hand?

⑺.would“愿意”:用于一般现在或一般过去时,比will语气更委婉.例:Would he like something to eat?

⑻.shall“愿意”:用于一般现在时,表示委婉语气适用于主语是第一人称。Shall we start?

⑼.should“应该”:表示主观意愿,用于各种时态和所有人称。例:We should work hard.

⑽.dare“敢”例:How dare you say that?

⑾.had better“最好”:变疑问“had”提到主语前,变否定在“better”后加“not”

例:You had better not be late next time.

⑿. ought to“理应”:变疑问“ought”提到主语前,变否定在“ought”后加“not”

例:He oughtn’t to do such things.

⒀.have\has\had to“不得不”:表示客观因素的迫使。变疑问和否定借助do/does/did.

例:Do I have to finish my homework tonight?

⒁. be able to“能够”﹙有各种时态﹚例:You will be able to do it well.


助动词没有实际意义,用来帮助构成疑问、否定、语态或时态等。如:构成进行时的is/am/are/ was/were,构成将来时的will/ shall/ would/should,构成完成时的have/has/ had,构成被动语态的be等。


连系动词:1. My brother ____ a teacher. He ____ his pupils very much.

A. is, like

B. is, likes

C. are, likes

D. are, like

2. A: How many days ____ there in a week?

B: There ____ seven.

A. is, is

B. are, are

C. is, are

D. are, is

3. I ____ tired last night.

A. became

B. felt

C. looked

D. am

4. Her face ____ pale(苍白)when she heard the bad news.

A. got

B. is

C. turned

D. was

5. You ____ pale. What's wrong with you?

A. turn

B. seem

C. look

D. become

6. The boy ____ ill today.

A. are

B. is

C. be

D. am

7. Which ____ bigger, the sun or the moon?

A. are

B. is

C. be

D. ×

8. Neither she nor I ____ a doctor.

A. am not

B. am

C. are

D. is

9. I ____ a worker next year.

A. am

B. will be

C. be

D. will

10. Her voice ____ like my mother's.

A. sounds

B. sound

C. looks

D. Look


1.His grandmother_ _in 1985.She has been for ten years.

A.died,died B.dead,dead C.dying,death D.died,dead

2.一How long you the bicycle? ——About two weeks.

A.have,had B.have,bought C.did buy D.have,get

3.Because of 2008 Beijing Olympics,all of Chines trying to make great contributions to __ __ our environment.

A.protect B.protected C.protects D.protecting

4.Thousands of people took our part in ____ the undeveloped land.
