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Unit 1What are you looking for《Lesson1》 (2)

Unit 1What are you looking for《Lesson2》 (6)

Unit 1What are you looking for《Lesson3》 (9)

Unit2 Can you tell me more about her?《lesson4》 (14)

Unit2 Can you tell me more about her?《lesson5》 (19)

Unit2 Can you tell me more about her?《lesson7》 (23)

Unit3let’s live a low-carbon life《lesson9》 (29)

Unit3let’s live a low-carbon life《lesson10》 (36)

Unit3let’s live a low-carbon life《lesson11》 (41)

Unit3let’s live a low-carbon life《lesson12》 (50)

Unit4 What’s the weather like?《lesson13》 (55)

Unit4 What’s the weather like?《lesson14》 (62)

Unit4 What’s the weather like?《lesson15》 (71)

Unit5 We are going to high school《lesson17》 (80)

Unit5 We are going to high school《lesson19》 (85)

Unit5 We are going to high school《lesson20》 (91)

Unit6 Revision《lesson21》 (96)

Unit6 Revision《lesson22》 (100)

Unit 1What are you looking for?《Lesson1》


1.确保学生认识和理解一些基本单词的意义和简单口头运用(To learn the meaning and simple usages of some words and phrases)。

2.学习使用本单元重点句型及表达(To use the typical sentences to express)。

3.鼓励学生大胆发言及表达(To encourage the students to express bravely)。

4.培养学生对英语学科的兴趣(To make the students interested in English learning)。

知识方面:能在听说读写方面掌握和运用词组:look for, water bottle, a shape of, on the ground, there are等。

句型:What are you looking for?

I am looking for_____.

There are________.

What’s is like?

It’s is_____.



教学重难点:句型:What are you looking for? I am looking for_____. There are________. What’s is like? It’s is_____.

教学方法: 本课时主要采用任务型教学法(Task-based approach)、合作学习法(Cooperative learning)




Step 1 Review



3、Let’s chant: What are you looking for?【设计意图】歌谣既让学生放松,活跃课堂气氛。又巩固了“What are you looking for? I am looking for_____.”句型。

Step 2 Presentation

1 、Practice 1 ①教师指着每幅图片向学生提问,要求学生用目标语言中的句型回答。如教师指着图片A 问What are you looking for?学生应用句型

I am looking for water bottle. .如此方式继续操练其他图片。②播放

录音。播放第一题的录音,然后暂停,让学生在本页中找出I am looking for water bottle.的图片。③教授学生there are 句型,对其含义进行讲解,例如there are small。

2、Chant activities 1 ①、让学生手盖住歌词,只看图画。教师提问题What’s Lingling doing ? 学生回答She’s using a paper cup. 老师拿出准备好其他的图片并继续问What’s Dad doing ? 生回答He’s sweeping the floor .让学生把盖着歌词的手拿开,一起大声朗读句子。②、播放录音,第一次让学生边听边指着录音唱到的单词。第二次让学生跟着录音唱。


(1) Ss Enjoy the video ,then match with sb. and doing sth.【设计意图】让学生带着任务去听、去看,去思考。通过阅读不同的任务设置,逐步解决对话中的知识点。

(2) Present the words: looking for...


(3) Listen and repeat. ( T Encourages Ss to read expressively.)

T: Now listen to the tape, please. Then repeat with emotions and facial expressions after the tape. 【设计意图】阅读指导:通过模仿对话角色的语气、表情和情感,深化学生对阅读材料的理解和应用。

(4) Open your book and read together.(带读、全班读、小组分角色读) 【设计意图】多种形式地朗读课文,进一步提高学生对课文内容的认
