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第二学期Unit 1

1.一般来说:generally speaking

2.在国定假期时:on national holidays

3.取决于:depend on

4.许多海路:a number of sea routes

5.途径著名的长江三峡:pass through the

famous Three Gorges

6.…的首选:the first choice for

7.有限的时间:limited time

8.省时优势:the time-saving advantage

9.旅游胜地:popular tourist


10.按时:on schedule

11.谈及/提到…:speaking of

12.时间紧迫:be pressed for time

13.提供良好的服务:offer fairly good services

14.简而言之:in brief

15.往返票:a round-trip ticket

16.旅游指南:a travel brochure

17.在永久居住地:at the permanent habitat 18.被…环绕:be surrounded by

19.伸手可及的:within arm’s reach

20.司仪:a master of ceremonies

21.解决;(从一批中)挑出:sort out

22.导游:a tour guide

23.历史名胜:historic/historical sites

24.名胜古迹:places of historical interest

25.依赖于:depend on

26.计划做某事:plan to do sth

27.路上的风景:the passing scenery

28.制订仔细和详细的计划:make careful and

detailed plans

29.风景点:scenic spots

30.假日胜地:a holiday resort

31.快车:an express train

32.直达列车:a non-stop train

33.由于,因为:due to

34.不仅…还:not only … but also …

35.手工艺:art of handicraft

Unit 2

1.感觉无与伦比:there’s no feeling like

2.参加一个专门的课程:take a special class

3.换上…(衣服):change into …


instructions from guide

5.恐高:be afraid of heights

6.向上通向:lead up to

7.很快地过去,飞逝:speed by

8.映入眼帘:come into view

9.鸟瞰整个城市:have a bird’s-eye views of

the city

10.为…感到自豪:feel proud of/take pride

in/pride oneself on

11.向四面八方眼神:extend in all directions

12.乐于做某事:be ready to do sth

13.立刻,一会儿:in an instant

14.海内外的游客:tourists at home and abroad 15.毫无疑问:without doubt

16.无法用语言形容:beyond words

17.发起一场广告宣传运动:launch an

advertising campaign

18.得到微笑致意:be greeted with a smile

19.在…上排名很高:rank high on the list of …

20.被非常重视、欣赏:be very appreciated by

21.提出问题:raise a question

22.与…有关:have something to do with

23.指出:point out

24.准备:prepare for sth

25.个人财产:personal belongings

26.高出,超过:tower over

27.满足于做某事:be content to do sth

28.实现某人的梦想:fulfill one’s dream

29.出发向顶部:set out towards the top

Unit 3

1.最好做某事:had better do sth

2.大声叫:call out

3.也许已经做过某事:may have done sth

4.被尊重的感觉:a sense of being respected

5.做…的尝试:an attempt to do sth

6.强调:put/lay emphasis on

7.为乘客服务:serve passengers

8.空中服务员:flight attendants

9.进入这一行业:enter the profession

10.更偏爱的术语:the preferred terms

11.公平对待:treat … fairly

12.有关种族和残疾的问题:issues of race and


13.坚持:insist on

14.有义务/不得不做某事:be obliged to do sth

15.与时俱进:change with the times

16.很多:quite a few

17.充满着:be filled with

18.抱怨:complain about

19.通向成功交流的道路:the road to

successful communication 20.创造(机会):make (opportunities) up

21.把…暴露在…:expose A to B

22.培养好习惯:cultivate good habits

23.适合某人的程度:be appropriate for one’s


24.对…产生积极的影响:have a positive

effect on


26.不再流行:out of style

27.记住:keep/bear in mind

28.笔友:pen pal

29.冒犯某人:offend sb

30.比如说:for example

31.比起…更喜欢…:prefer A to B

32.结果:as a result

33.反映出…的趋势:reflect the trend of …

34.许多:quite a few

35.同时:at the same time

36.花时间做某事:spend time on sth

Unit 4

1.主动提出做某事:offer to do sth

2.开车送某人其某地:dirve sb to sp

3.(把车)停在车道:pull into the driveway

4.向后退开;放弃:back off

5.和某人交流:communicate with sb

6.把…传达给某人:communicate sth to sb

7.眼中无声的信号:silent signals in one’s


8.引起某人的注意和怀疑:arouse one’s

attention and suspicion

9.和某人进行目光交流:make eye contact

with sb

10.和某人交流眼神:exchange looks with sb

11.和某人保持目光交流:keep in contact with


12.建立在…的基础上:be based on

13.注意力分散:lack of attention

14.小声交流:chat in very low voices

15.需要:call for

16.摆脱:be clear of

17.身体语言:body language

18.准确地指出:put one’s finger on

19.至于,关于:as to 20.背叛:sell sb out

21.往往会,趋向于:tend to do sth

22.信不信由你:believe it or not

23.被认为是:be judged as

24.对自己不自信:be unsure of oneself

25.不理解,对…感到疑惑:be confused


26.一次又一次:time and time again

27.向某人道歉:apologize to sb for sth

28.碰巧遇到:bump into

29.好像:as if

30.意识到:be/become aware of

31.难道你敢试着做:don’t you dare try to do


32.伸出手(设法抓住):reach out for sth

33.把…从…转移到…:shift … from … to …

34.很受欢迎:go down well

35.掌握:have a good grasp of sth

36.面部表情:facial expressions

37.保持姿势:hold your posture

38.在…方面有问题:have many issues with

