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Unit 1 Draw a cat on the roof.



1.Able to understand and say the new words: a roof, above, a chimney, in front of,

understand the word pin.

2.Able to grasp new sentence form: Draw a cat on the roof.”

3.Able to use correctly “ There be…” and repositions.


重点: Grasp the four--skilled words; grasp the affirmative of imperatives

难点: Use “ There be….” To describe position relation.


Word card, picture, drawing tools, tape recorder etc.

教学方法: 情景法, 演示法


Step 1. Warming up


2.Sing a song

3.Game---What’s missing?

Step 2. Presentation and drill

1.Continue the previous game--what’s missi ng? And teach new words: roof,

chimney, tree.

2.Game----Patting flies.

3. Organize the pictures into a complete drawing.

T: Look, There is a cat on the roof. There’s a bird above the chimney…. What a beautiful picture!

Write and teach the sentence: There is a cat/ ….on/…/.in front of….the roof/….tree/……”

4. Change some places in the picture therefore to make it different from the old. Let students describe the picture with: There be…..

5. Game---Listen and draw.

T: Draw a house with a chimney. / Draw a bird bird on the roof./ Draw a tree beside the house./ Draw a cat on the tree. / Draw a car in front of the tree./ Draw a bird above the car. Then check some pictures.

6. Listen to recorder of part A and part B, and repeat.

Step 3. Practice

1.Act out Part A.

2.Team work: Make the class some groups of four, and have a talk and draw

something as they want. Choose some students to introduce their pictures by saying “ There is a………”

Step 4. Homework

Copy new words. Recite new text. Try to make yourself more clear of the sentence form: There be….

板书: cat on the roof.

Chimney on the house..

There is a bird above the chimney.

boy behind the tree.

A dog by the car.


Period 2



1.Able to recite the text.

2.Able to describe location with: on in front of, in, behind.

3.Raise good habit for study and good virtue of being kind and helpful.


重点: Finish Part C.

难点: understand Part D


Word cards, pictures, tape etc.




Step 1. warming up


2.Game---Listen and do. Teacher gives orders, student must follow.

T: Stand in front of/ behind…./ Put your pen…../ ……on your head.

Revise new words by use of cards: roof, chimney, tree, above, in front of.

Step 2. Practice. ( Finish part C)

Do part C.

1. First, teacher show a picture. On it there are three dogs.

T: What can you see in the picture?

Ss: I can see/ There are three dogs in the picture. 解释当主语超过一个时, be动词要用are.

Put another example to class.

2. Do Part C.

3. Check their work.

4. Expanding exercise.

Tell students to observe their surroundings, and tell others what they see with: There be……

4.Game----rolling ball. (滚雪球).

The first student say one sentence. The next student must add another sentence on the basis of repeating the first sentence. And adding and adding, sentences become more and more, till the last students must say all the sentences the
