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Unit16--- On the London Eye

生词和短语:London eye fun believe together River Thames bridge Tower Bridge really pass binoculars any ship some Westminster down there Big Ben its classroom park church cinema

语音:/f/---fun football field fair front referee outfit fifty nephew /v/---very clever silver river heavy five seven eleven twelve


一般疑问句: Is there ……..? / Are there…….? / Is that……..?

There be 句型

Unit17---Smile, please

生词和短语:smile watch balance do try as well easy on one’s knees good at gymnastics useless maths music take take a photo gym difficult drive ride speak tennis

语音:/w/---watch wake we welcome well woman Westminster Washington one twelve question quick washing machine

重难点:情态动词---can 具有助动词的作用,可以用来构成否定句,疑问句及用于简单的回答。

I can sing a song. / I can’t sing a song.

Can you sing a song? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

Unit 18---Man can cook, too

生词和短语:cook dinner help rice water pan chop onion spoon get fork drawer hand wet you see,…. open restaurant oh, year must jug dry food sugar milk scanner computer packet coffee tea bottle orange juice fridge sea

语音:/m/---my mum mother meet bedroom family handsome camera /n/---name neighbour night knife spoon onion student husband

重难点:在there be 句型中,当主语是不可数名词或可数名词单数时,be动词要用单数形式,当主语是可数名词复数时,be动词要用are。

例如:Is there any rice in the drawer? / There is a bottle on the table. / There are some plates on the shelf.

Unit 19---Y ou must eat

生词和短语:eat finish why why not tired problem lots of fish salad dish drink mustn’t peach help yourself meat grape buy bread cake tin cheese butter

语音:/ŋ/---hungry living-room interesting bring ding-doing things English 重难点:情态动词must---must 跟can一样,不能在句子中独立做谓语,而必须跟其他动词原形一起构成谓语,并且也没有人称和数的变化。含must的肯定句变一般疑问句时要把must提到句首,其他部分不变。

例如:I must go now. / Must you go now? 否定句是I mustn’t go now.

Unit 20---What a surprise

生词和短语:surprise lesson half past talk a quarter find bye when look for next homework wash then

语音: /l/---Linda Lucy look lesson lots apple milk bowl eleven o’clock

重难点:特殊疑问词---when,它针对时间提问,跟学过的what time一样,不同的是when比what time更广泛。What time 只针对钟点提问,而when还可以针对星期,月份,年份以及所有表示时间的短语提问。

例如:对句子My music lesson is 4:30.中的时间提问,既可以说When is your music lesson? 也可以说What time is your music lesson? 对句子You can call me tomorrow. 中的tomorrow 提问,就只能用When can I call you?

Unit 21---Breakfast blues

生词和短语:breakfast blues do want not really something train stomach have got how much pot start morning yoghurt canteen much fruit chocolate beer paper string money spare good morning

语音: /ə /---a an Karen student mother husband neighbour famous /ɜ:/---bird early girl thirteen thirty word shirt dirty

重难点:助动词—do do在句子中不能独立使用作谓语,并通常用于主语为第一人称,第二人称或第三人称复数的疑问句和否定句中。将肯定句变为疑问时,应将do放在主语的前面,变为否定句时则要在谓语动词前面加do not, 缩写为don’t.

Have got---I have got some coffee. 在这句肯定句中,have got表示有,肯定句变否定句时在have后面直接加not,缩写为haven’t,遍一般疑问句要把have提到主语的前面。要注意的是当主语是第一人称,第二人称或第三人称的复数时,才用have.


Unit 22---Watching the neighbours

生词和短语: a lot of shy many introduce to studies true always CD DVD jacket magazine video blouse skirt vegetable relative

语音:/ɪə /--- here dear hear near beer clear ear

重难点:have got----当主语是第三人称单数时,have应该变为has。肯定句中直接用has got,肯定变疑问时把has提到主语前面,而变否定时在has后加not,缩写为hasn’t. 口诀:你“有”我“有”大家“有”,have got最有用,他“有”
