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I. Choose the best answer (20%)

26. Alice is _____ honest girl. Now she is _____ university student. She will be made _____ monitor of her class. A. a, an,

the B. an, a, the C. an, a, / D. /, a, /

27. Does Sam often play _____ football after _____ school?A. /, / B. /, the C. the, / D. a, a

28. The photo reminds me _____ my childhood. A. on B. of C. to D. into

29. She covered the table _____ a cloth. A. of B. by C. on D. with

. young C. familiar D. similar

30. Those two boys looks so _____ that I can’t tell from them.A. strange B

31. _____ is it from the center of Paris to EuroDisney?----- An hour’s train ride.

A. How long

B. how

C. How far

D. How fast

32. Mineral water is one of _____ in summer.

A. most popular drink

B. the most popular drinks

C. more popular drinks

D. the most popular drink

33. Excuse me, how can I get to the supermarket?

Take the first turning ___ your right, then walk ___ the end of the road.

A. in…along

B. on…up

C. on…at

D. on…to

C. not you go

D. not going

34. Why _____ to see a film wit h us this afternoon?A. not go B. don’t go

35._____, I paid $50 for the perfume.

A. In addition to

B. Added to

C. Additional to

D. In addition

36. If you don’t speak loud, _____ they can not hear you. A. or B. so C. and D. /

37. The Eiffel Tower _____ throughout the world.

A. is being know

B. is known

C. has known

D. had been known

38.Linda is trying _____ the maths problem in another way by herself

A. to work out

B. working out

C. to working out

D. worked out

39. The Internet _____ people all over the world to keep in close touch with each other.

A. makes

B. lets

C. enables

D. asks

40. The lady in black left the party alone without _____ goodbye to anybody.

A. say

B. says

C. said

D. saying

41. We hope college life will help him to ____.

A. spreaded his wings

B. spread his wings

C. spread his wing

D. spread one wing

42. With the help of TV programmes, Chanel in perfume _____ Chinese people.

A. is familiar to

B. is familiar with

C. is similar to

D. is similar with

43. It is interesting for children _____ kites in the playground with their friends.

A. to fly

B. flying

C. fly

D. flew

44. Although it was very late, Tom still ____ his report on the computer.

A. went on to

B. went on do

C. went on doing

D. went on to do

45. Books give us knowledge and makes us ____ happy.A. feeling B. feel C. fell D. to feel

II. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in their proper forms (7%)

1.Why ________ you _________(not take) a ferry to see the view of Shanghai tonight ?

2.He ________ ( drive ) past the fields and enjoyed the beautiful views there .

3.They are thinking about _________ (try) it on.

4.I don’t know when the first Olympic Games ____________ (hold ).

5._______ he ________ ( send ) the parcel to your friend in South Africa ?

No, not yet.

6.Peter is used to_____ (ski) and enjoys it a lot.

7.An idea ______ (pass) through his mind and knew what to do next.

VI. Fill in the blanks with the given words with proper forms ( 5%)

1. A meeting is held in Shanghai to ____ the cause of world peace. ( far )

2.I love to wear _____ jeans because they are more comfortable. (design)
