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Rethinking how we value data


Looking at the world’s most precious resource through new eyes


Everyone knows that data are worth something.The biggest companies in the world base their businesses on them.Artificial-intelligence algorithms guzzle them in droves.But data are not like normal traded goods and services,such as apples and haircuts.


They can be used time and again,like public goods.They also have spillover effects,both positive,such as helping to improve health care,and negative,such as breaches of personal information.That makes them far from easy to value.


A new report,led by Diane Coyle,an economist at the University of Cambridge,attempts to address this by understanding the value of data and who stands to benefit from it.She says market prices often do not ascribe full value to data because,in many cases,trading is too thin.


Moreover,while much of society’s emphasis is on the dangers of misuse of personal data,the report chooses to highlight data’s contribution to “the broad economic well-being of all of society.”That gives it a much deeper value than a simple monetary one.


She outlines a variety of data types and uses.Some may be more useful in aggregate,others for individual purposes.For example,a patient’s medical records may be most valuable when they are combined with everyone else’s,while web-browsing history has value when it is used individually to bombard a person with advertisements.


Timeliness also matters:phone-location records flowing in real-time for a car GPS-navigation system are useful for ten minutes,while today’s retail-sales transactions help forecast next year’s demand.


As yet the data economy does not distinguish such features well.Ms Coyle argues that a new mindset is needed,as well as institutions,such as data trusts,to ensure information is fairly distributed.


Personal information should not be regarded through the lens of “ownership”but“access rights,”she says.Hence,people may control how it is used,but should not treat it as a winning ticket to be monetised.她表示,我们不应该从“所有权”的角度来看待个人信息,而应该从“访问权”的角度来看待。因此,人们可以控制数据的使用方式,而不该将其视为一种货币化的中奖彩票。That should apply more broadly,she argues.For governments,the right strategy may be to make data freely accessible.Estimates for the value of open government data range from less than0.1%to more than7%of GDP.

她认为,这一点应该被广泛适用。对于政府来说,正确的策略或许应该是让数据能够被自由访问。对于政府公开数据价值的估量从不到GDP的0.1%到超过7%不等。Companies also should consider privileging access to personal data above ownership of it.Try telling that to the tech giants,though.However data are valued,they have no doubt about how valuable exclusive control is to them.公司还应该考虑将个人数据的访问权置于所有权之上。当然,你可以尝试将这一点告知科技巨头们。但无论数据价值几何,他们都不会怀疑独占数据对他们的重要性。(红色标注词为重难点词汇)
