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Some of the core messages delivered to women who attended the school went like this:
• "Career women don't end well.” • "Women should just stay at the bottom level of society and shouldn't
These school targeted families who had troubled teenagers or women who were in unhappy marriages , promised to solve their problems through its version of traditional culture.
• One
When did Chairman Mao make his famous assertion "women hold up half of the sky” ?
• Two
Why was the institute closed?
•A.wenku.baidu.comBecause it couldn’t recruit new students.
•B. Because it wasn’t well-known.
•C. Because its teachings went against modern social morality.
Thanks for watching~
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• Introduction • Body • Background • Comment • Questions
When the news about “ female virtue school” broke in Fushun city , Liaoning Province , the whole country was enraged(激怒).
These rules were used as tools to enslave and suppress(压制) women.
The possibility that feudal ideas may be making a comeback, in the name of traditional culture, is a real concern to many people.
The Education Bureau said “ The institute's teachings went against social morality,” and ordered the closure(永久停业) of the six-year-old institute.
It had more than 10,000 students before it was shut down.
disease and die.”
One lecturer advises that whatever a husband asks, the reply should be "Yes, no problem, right away"
Pressured by mounting(增加的) criticism in Chinese press and social media,the Fushun local government was quick to react.
“The tide of history can't be overturned.” Chinese society has moved on towards gender equality.
To treat traditional culture , we should take the essence and discard the dregs(糟粕).
Jing was told she was “naughty” at 13 and sent to the institute by her mother, who hoped that some cultural education would instil(逐步灌输)discipline.
But what are these institutes really about?
Including obeying their father, husband and son ,guarding their virginity(贞操) and understanding that a woman without talent was virtuous.
Students were asked to kneel(跪) in front of a painting of Confucius and confess their "sins"
attempt to go up.” • "Women must always obey the orders of their fathers, husbands and
sons.” • “If a woman has sex with more than three men, she could catch