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Short conversations

1 Q: What advice does the man give to the woman

D Do whatever she can to exercise.

2 Q: What can we know about the woman

A She may have some social events to attend.

3 Q: What can we learn about the smoking rules in South Africa

B People can smoke in the designated areas of pubs and bars.

4 Q: What are the two speakers talking about

C Impacts of family violence on children.

5 Q: What is recommended for a healthy breakfast

C A piece of wholegrain bread.

Long conversation

1 Q: What has made the man sweat all over the floor

C Running in a park.

2 Q: Why doesn’t the woman go to practice t’ai chi with her mom

B Because getting up early is too 3 Q: What does the woman normally do on weekends

D Sitting before her computer.

4 Q: Why does the man suggest the woman get

a zoo membership

A For exercise like jogging in the zoo. Passage 1

1 Q: What tasks does the speaker tend to do first every day

A The quick tasks.

2 Q: How to work more efficiently according to the speaker

C Make use of your most productive time of day.

3 Q: How does the speaker deal with emails now

D He opens his inbox only when it’s necessary.

4 Q: What is the purpose of the talk

C To give some tips on how to manage time.

P assage 2

1) distressing

2) desperate

3) urge


5) are totally unaware of

6) are isolated from

7) affirm

8) interact with

9) impulse

10) are convinced of


Short conversations

1 Q: What are the two speakers talking about

A What the man will do after graduation .

2 Q: What does the woman think of Linda

D She looks younger than she is.

3 Q: What makes the woman afraid of getting old

C Lack of someone to depend on.

4 Q: What does the man like best about being in his early 20s

B Having plenty of opportunities.

5 Q: What does the man say about age discrimination

D People may have different opinions on the court decisions.

Long conversation

1 Q: What are the two speakers talking about

C What to wish for in life.

2 Q: According to the man, why is true love

B It makes couples appreciate each other.

3 Q: What difficulties did the man experience in his life

A He lost his job and house and was sick for years.

4 Q: What is the man doing in the talk

D Giving the woman advice on important things in life.

Passage 1

1 Q: In what way are the Adventists different from ordinary people

B They live their whole lives in a mountain.

2 Q: How much longer do Adventist women expect to live than other Californian women

C About three years.

3 Q: What is characteristic of the Adventists’ diet

D It is high in fruit, vegetables and whole grains.

4 Q: What is the main idea of the passage

A Diet and lifestyle are crucial to good health.

Passage 2

1) proportion

