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Such is my father
Here he comes. Away they hurried.
2.表示方位的介词短语提至句首时。 A white cat the Under thesleeps tableunder sleeps a table. white cat. 3.表语提前。
Only with our joint efforts can we…… Only in this way can we……
Only then/ after I failed the exam did I realise……
We cooperated so well in the military training that everyone around gave us thunderous applause.
7. 虚拟语气倒装 去if,were/ had/ should提前 If I were given a second chance, I would tell the girl three words “I love you.” Were I given a second chance, I would tell the girl __________ three words “I love you.” If I should fail in the coming exam, I would not give up but keep trying. Should I fail in the coming exam, I would not give ___________ up but keep trying.
形式倒装 as/ though
A child as he is, he knows a lot.
Hard as they tried, but they couldn't make her change mind.
n. adj/adv + as/ though + v.
did (2015天津) Only when Lily walked into the office _____ she realize that she had left the contract at home. did I (2013江苏) “Never for a second”, the boy says, “_____ doubt that my father would come to my rescue.” Youngest although he is in our class, he has won the first place in the final exam. though/as
—_________. So he is
当前面有两个以上不同类型的谓语动词时, 或既有肯定又 有否定时用: So it is with…或 It is the same with… —I like chicken, but I don't like fish. —__________________ So it is with me Tom is an American, but lives in China. __________________________Jack. It is the same with
2.表示方位的介短位于句首 3.表语提前
人称代词 条件二:主语不能为_______
At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River _________(lie) Chongqing, one of the ten lies largest cities in China.
6.含有否定词的句型结构 a. not only +倒装 but also+不倒装
翻译:这些活动不仅能丰富我们的生活,而且能开拓我 们的视野。
Not only can these activities enrich our lives,but also they can broaden our horizons.
6.含有否定词的句型结构 b. not until... 拖后倒 (2016 江苏,34)Not until he went through real hardship_______he realise the love we have for our did families is important.
Happy are those who are contented.
1. only+状语(副词、 介词短语或状语从句等)放在句首时。
Only after LI has practised does he have so many times ______ such a beautiful handwriting.
把下列句子变为倒装句。 1 . I didn't realize how much time I had wasted until I began to work.
Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted.
stood Behind the counter___________(stand) the manager when I entered the store. Next door to ours lives a foreign couple, who seem to have settled into life in China. live
Tang 一开始睡觉, 英语老师就让他站了起来。
had Tang began to sleep Hardly _______________________ our English teacher asked him to stand up when __________________________________.
2 . You will be able to master the language only by practising a few hours every day.
Only by practising a few hours every day will you be able to master the language.
完全倒装 部分倒装
谓语 + 主语 _______
___________ 助 /be/情态v. + 主语
+ 部分谓语
Between each period of the classes____(be) is an interval, when the students can have a short break.
can you take your phone to school At no time ______ without teacher's permission.
“六绝不”: in no way/ at no time/ by no means on no account/ under no circumstances/ in no case
seated A group of young people are____________(seat) on the ground. Seated on the ground are a group of young people.
哪些词 在句首 条件一
1.here/ there/now/ then/up/down/in/out/ away/off etc
are There _____(be) many fans calling him “National husband”.
1 .在以 here, there, now, then, thus, in,out, up, down,away,off
In came the teacher. Here comes our teacher! Now comes the chance. There are just a few students in the classroom. Away went the runners.
6.含有否定词的句型结构 c. hardly ... when no sooner... than
(2014陕西)No sooner _____ stepped on the stage than the audience broke into thunderous applause. A. had Mo Yan B. had Mo Yan not C. has Mo Yan not D. Mo Yan has
never, neither, no, rarely, hardly, seldom, little, few, etc. We can hardly spare any time for other activities except study. Hardly can we spare any time for other activities except study. I have never seen such a moving film before. Never before have I seen such a moving film .
倒装 Inversion
by Audrey
Long long ago, there was a temple on a hill; In the temple lived a Kongfu Master. Master once told the panda Abao: “Only when you believe you are special, can you make something special!”elltt
Not until all the fish died in the river ____ how serious the pollution was. A. did the villagers realize B. had the villagers realized C. the villagers realized D. didn’t the villagers realize
So well did _________________ we cooperate in the military training that everyone around gave us thundrous applause.
so +…… 2. +倒装+that+不倒装
such +……
3.肯定句:so+be/助动词/情态动词+主语 否定句:neither/nor+ be/助动词/情态动词+主语
So did I He went to the film last night. ______________ neither/nor Lily can’t ride a bike;_______________ can Lucy.
注意:如果“so”不作“也”讲而只起连词作用,表示 一种“的确如此”的意思时,句子就要用正常语序。 —Chen Yu is a handsome boy.
3 . If he were to leave today, he would get there by Sunday.Were he to leave today, he would get
there by Sunday.
4.A big yellow dog lies in front of the farm house. In front of the farm house lies a big yellow dog. 5. He was so frightened in the darkness that he didn't dare to move an inch. So frightened was he in the darkness that he didn't dare to move an inch. 6.I knew little where it would lead me when I took the trip.