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• 名词所有格:
• 在英语中有些名词可以加“’s”来表示所有或
所属关系,带这种词尾的名词形式称为该 名词的所有格.
• ( )1. Can you imagine what life will be like in ________ time?(2008 河北省)

A. 20 years’ B. 20 year’s C. 20-years’ D. 20-years

C. a Mr. Cox’ picture
D. Mr. Cox’s pictures
• ( )5. These are ________ books. Li Ming bought some at this bookstore and Brain bought some at that bookstore.
grey black
yellow brown green
orange green black
purple grey
pink blue
brown yellow black
1.抢答环节:听到生词,起立朗读一次,重 复不算。
• 可爱的 ,漂亮的 • 时髦的,聪明的 • 上楼 • 颜色 • 绿色的 •来 • 帽子 • 同样的
Answer the following questions according what you hear
• 1.What colour is the new dress? • Green • 2.Whose hat is it? • It is Anna’s hat.

C. walk of thirty minutes’ D. thirty minute’s walk
• ( )8. This year, the most popular ________ hat is that kind.

A. woman’s B. womens’ C. women’s D. womans’
• 1.colour(1) n. 颜色:当询问颜色时用
• what colour is ……?—It is……(颜色)

(2) v.给……涂上….颜色
• eg:Colour the wall pink.把墙涂成粉色的。
• 2. come 来 文中come upstairs and see it 句中的and 不当 “和”讲,而是表示目的.
• colour • hat • come • green • same • upstairs • smart • lovely
可爱的 ,漂亮的 时髦的,聪明的
上楼 颜色 绿色的 来 帽子 同样的
• [‘kʌlə] oulrroc • [hæ t] tha • [kʌm] meoc • [griːn] reegn • [seɪm] meas • [ʌp‘steəz ] psutiars • [smɑːt] mtras • [‘lʌvlɪ] ylolev
• eg:Come and clean the floor. 来把地擦一下。
• 由come组成的词组有
• come on 快点;拜托
• eg:Come on!I'm 18 years old. 拜托,我已经18岁了。
• 3.same 相同的;同一的
• the same as…………… 与…....一样 • eg:My bag is the same as yours. • 我的书包与你的一样。
Let’s listen
New Words
• colour [‘kʌlə] n. 颜色 • hat [hæ t] n. 帽子 • come [kʌm] v.来 • green [griːn] adj.绿色的 • same [seɪm] adj.同样的 • smart [smɑːt] adj.时髦的;聪明的;漂亮的 • lovely [‘lʌvlɪ] adj.可爱的;漂亮的 • upstairs [ʌp‘steəz ] adv.上楼
--Is this your football? -- Yes, it is. --Here you are.
Exercise 用所给词的适当形式填空或完成答语
1.Is this ( )shirt?(you) 3.That hat is ( ).(sophie) 5.What make is it?
Lesson 13 A new dress
• 1.what stays still hot even put into a fridge?
• Pepper(辣椒) • 2. which side is the left side of a pie? • The side you have not eaten yet.(还没有吃
• ( )2. This is a ________ bike. ________ is over there.(2008 青海省)

A. visitor’s; My B. visitor’s; Mine C. visitor; My
• ( )3. Wang Tao is ill, so he has to go to the ________ .
• Key: 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. C
case [keɪs] n. 箱子 dog [dɒg] n. 狗 carpet [‘kɑːpɪt] n. 地毯
Lesson 13
Ask & Answer
Who e.g. Who are you ?
I am … Whose e.g. Whose shirt is this?
--Whose is that ball? --It’s Kobe’s. • Is this Linda’s coat? • --Perhaps it is. • Perhaps adv. 也许,可能
• What colour is it?
– 它是什么颜色的 – It is ……..(颜色)
• What is Its colour?
• 形容词性物主代词
yellow 黄色的
green 绿色的
blue 蓝色的
indigo 靛色的
orange 橙色的
red 红色的
purple 紫色的
green blue red

C. my mother’s students
D. one student of my mother’s
• ( )7. It’s about ________ from my home to our school.

A. thirty minutes’ walk
B. walk of thirty minutes’
2.This is ( )shoes.(I) 4.What is his job?(worker) 6.Whose car is it?(she)
7.What nationality is she?(German) 8.Are you a nurse or a teacher?(nurse)
1.your 2.my 3.sophie’s 4.He is a worker. 5.It’s a Mercedes. 6.It’s hers. 7.She is German. 8.I’m a nurse.
• 4.here it is 就是这个
• here you are 给你
• 1.当问颜色是:what colour is it? It’s…….(颜色)
• 思考:it 在句子中做什么成分?可以用什么来代 替?
• 2.here it is 这个就是 • here you are .给你 • 3.come upstairs 上楼 • go downstairs 下楼

A. doctor B. doctors’ C. doctor’s D. doctor’
• ( )4. This is ________ , and I borrowed it two days ago.

A. a picture of Mr. Cox B. a picture of Mr. Cox’s

A. Li Ming’s and Brain B. Li Ming and Brain’s
• C. Li Ming’s and Brain D. Li Ming’s and Brain’s
• ( )6. He is ________ .

A. one student of my mother B. one of my mother’s student