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1. 请参加院际学期交换选派前作出慎重考虑,一旦签署《院级交换项目学生管理条例》知情书,等同于自愿接受被学院派出,认同《光华管理学


2. 在国外学习期间,作为代表北大的“使者”,须树立良好的北大学子形象,宣传北大,做好光华与合作院系的桥梁;交换学习期间,须完成至少


3. 在北大期间,应积极参加有关国际交流方面的活动,帮助国外交换学生和未来出国交换的本院学生,协助学院国际合作相关工作;

4. 派出交换的学生,应在学校规定的时间内到校办理注册手续;离校前须到教学项目办公室办理停学手续,按规定时间返校,并办理复学手续;


5. 获得交换名额之后,在出访前,如果有必修课未合格,将取消交换资格;

6. 参加交换的同学在出境前须确保已购买境外的基本人身安全保险,境外期间须自己负责人身及财产安全,确保平安返校;如遇到问题,及时联


7. 交换期间如有不及格课程不得参加奖学金评选,已参加或者已获得奖学金的同学如有不及格课程将取消其相关资格;交换期间须为在对方院


8. 交流期间,学生北京大学学籍存续,须遵守对方院校及北京大学的校纪校规,如有违反对方院校或北京大学校纪校规的行为,参照相关管理办










Regulations for Guanghua Exchange Programs

Guanghua School of Management (Guanghua) has established international exchange partnerships with over 100 overseas institutions in the purpose to provide students with chances to broaden horizons, to open the mind and enrich the experience in order to adapt themselves to the increasing internationalized and diversifying working environment.

According to the exchange agreements, students can study at partner universities for a certain period. During exchange program, students do not pay tuition to exchange partner universities, but to Peking University (PKU) as normal. Living costs, transportation, etc. during the exchange period are considered as personal expenses. Before any course selection, students are required to provide the course information to the teaching offices and get the offices’ approval. Only with the approval shall the credits get transferred back upon accomplishment of exchange.

1. Read the regulations thoroughly and carefully consider your exchange. Your signature on this document means full awareness of all the

contents and acceptance on being sent to exchange. Any sort of withdrawal is not allowed and any relevant information in case of withdrawal will be passed on to your program office and the Career Development Center. Those who go through withdrawal will not be allowed to apply for any other programs or awards at school.

2. During your stay abroad, make sure you behave as a qualified ambassador of PKU. Students should establish a good image and bridge

cooperation between Guanghua and partner schools, as well as help exchange students and local students preparing for exchange.

3. You are very encouraged to participate in any international related activities or events, helping exchange students at Guanghua and

perspective exchange students, and provide assistance to Guanghua International Relations Office.

4. Do complete the registration procedure as well as the school suspension procedure on time before departure; Register at Guanghua

program offices as soon as you complete your exchange; Early completion of the exchange semester is not allowed; Students on exchange are not allowed to select courses at PKU, violations will result in a zero grade in mentioned courses and a notice of criticism; Extension of exchange period is not allowed, and students might receive expulsion from school for late registration after exchange; If you wish to delay graduation, relative application procedures must be completed before exchange, a late application might cause problems on credit transferring and graduation.

5. If you fail any core courses before departure, exchange opportunity will be invalid.

6. Please make sure you have purchased an insurance which covers your full stay during exchange on self-safety, healthcare, financial safety

and accidents etc. If you encounter problems, contact both PKU and the host university as well as the local Chinese Embassy immediately for assistance.

7. If you fail any courses during exchange you will not be awarded for any scholarship at Guanghua or PKU, those who were already awarded

any scholarships will be disqualified. Please be responsible for your behavior during exchange. Any defamation on reputation of PKU or China caused by your behavior might cause official punishments.

8. You will officially remain a student of PKU despite being abroad, meaning that you shall abide by PKU’s, as well as your host university’s,

rules. Any violations will be strictly punished.

I have read and understand the regulations above and will abide.

Signature of Student :Student No.:

Date: (DD/MM/YY)

I have read and understand the regulations above and agree student to attend the exchange program of Guanghua School of Management.

Signature of Parents/Spouse: Telephone No.:

Date: (DD/MM/YY)

Note: Please print out this signed document, scan it, and then upload to the online application system with other required documents. Keep this original copy on your own.
