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1.Our English teacher is very nice.We_______ friends since three years ago. A.were B.became C.have been D.have made

C 由since (自从)可以判断该句用现在完成时。become, make是短暂性动词不能和表示延续的时间连用;单独的be动词不能表达动词的连续性。故选C

2.Jenny ________ in the kitchen when you called her at 5 o'clock this after noon.

A.is cooking B.was cooking C.cooks D.Cooked

B 题意:当你今天下午5 点打电话给Jenny 时,她正在厨房里做饭。表示过去某一时间点正在进行的动作用过去进行时。

3.—I've got the final Harry Potter book.

—You will love it.I ________ it twice already.

A.am reading

B.have read

C.was reading

D.will read

B 题意:“我买到最后一部《哈里·波特》了。”“你会喜欢的,我已经看了两遍了。”根据already 可知应用现在完成时。

4.The cleaners ________ the street and it is quite clean now.

A.are sweeping B.will sweep C.have swept C. 题意:清洁工人已经扫过这条街,现在它很干净。根据题意,动作应发生在过去且对现在造成了某种影响,故应用现在完成时。

5.Yang Liwei, a famous astronaut _______ to Foshan in March, 2012. A.comes B.came C.was coming

B 根据时间状语可知动作发生在过去,故用一般过去时。

6.—Where is your father?

—He ________ Australia and he ________ Sydney for two weeks.

A.has been to; has been in C.has been in; has been to

B.has gone to; has been in D.has gone to; has been to

B 题意:“你的父亲在哪里?”“他去了澳大利亚,并且已经在悉尼待了两周了。”have been to 表示过去曾经去过某地,说话时已经从该地回来了;have gone to 表示在去某地的路上或在某地,说话时还未回来have been in 表示已在某地待了多久。故选B。

7.—Have you seen Mike?

—He ________ football on the sports field.

A.plays B.is playing C.will play

B 题意:“你看见麦克了吗?”“他正在运动场踢足球。”表示动作正在进行,应用现在进行时。

8.—________ you ________ your homework?

—Not yet

A.Do; finish B.Have; finished C.Did; finish.D.Are; finished

B 答语中有yet,是完成时的标志词,故选B。

9.—Alan, it's late.Why not go to bed?

—Jenny hasn't come back yet.I ________ for her.

A. waited B.have waited C.am waiting D.was waiting

C 由题意可知是“正在等她”,且由“it's late”可知表示现在,故用现在进行时。

10.Our math teacher ________ in our school for 20 years and he ________ here when he was 23 years old.

A..has taught; has come

B..taught; comes

C.taught; came

D.has taught; came

D 题意:我们数学老师在我们学校教书20 年了,当他23岁的时候他就来到了这里。由for 20 years 可知,动作从20 年前持续到现在,故第一空要用现在完成时;由时间状语从句“when he was 23 years old”可知,动作发生在23 岁时,故第二空要用一般过去时。

11. Yesterday evening, I ________along the street when I suddenly met my maths teacher.



C.was walking

D.am walking


12.—Do you know her well?

—Sure.We ________ friends since ten years ago.

A.were C.have been

B.have made D.have become

C.根据后面的since ten years ago 可知用现在完成时,且make 和become 均为短暂性动词,不能与一段时间连用,故用have been。

13.—Have you ever ________Australia?

—Yes, I have.It's really interesting ________with kangaroos.

A.. been to; to play B.gone to; played

C.been to; play D.gone to; playing

A.题意:“你曾经去过澳大利亚吗?”“是的。跟袋鼠一起玩真的很有趣。”由题意可知表示“去过某地”,现在已经回来了,故用have been to ;固定句型it is+adj.+to do sth.意为“做某事怎么样”。

14.—May I speak to John?

—Sorry, he ________ Japan.But he ________ in two days.

A.has been to; will come back

B.has gone to; will be back

C.has been in; would come back

D.has gone to; won't come back

B 由答语可知“去日本了还没回来”,故第一空要用has gone to;由时间状语in two days 及题意可知第二空要用一般将来时的肯定式。故选B

15.I ________ my work today.Let's go for a coffee.


B.will finish

C.have finished
