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Herpes Gestationis

The patient, a 25-year-old married female, was admitted to our hospital on May 28, 2002.

Chief complaint: Generalized erythema with severe pruritus for 50 days, vesicles for 2 weeks.

Present history: Fifty days ago (at the beginning of 9 months’ gastation), the patient noticed areas of a few pinhead-sized papule on her forearms and flexor aspects of legs without any inducement. Prutitus is severe and paroxysmal. The papules evolved to erythemas quickly, with subsequent spread over the abdomen, back, chest, and extremities, including the palms and soles within one week. She was diagnosed as erythema multiforme in local hospital and used topical medications without any relief. On May 15, the patient was delivered of a healthy female infant by abdominal delivery. The erythema became dark and pruritus resolved after delivery. Two weeks ago, a broad bean-sized tense vesicles arose in the original erythema on her left hand. The vesicles appeared in the original erythema or normal skin on

Past history: The patient had hypertension disease for 5 years.

Personal history: He was born in Shandong. His job was culture educator.

Family history: There were no infectious and inherited disease in his family.

Physical examination: The general condition were normal and system examination were negative.

Dermatologic manifestation: Within the infiltrated erythematous plaques, tense vesicles and bullae erupt, often in an annular or polycyclic configuration. The face, scalp, and oral mucosa are usually spared.


Differential diagnosis:

Laboratory investation:

Treatment modalities:
