22.吻别英文版歌词Take Me to Your Heart文本

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这首歌来自丹麦4人组合(现在3人)Michael Learns to Rock 的第6张大碟Take Me to Your Heart。大家对Michael Learns to Rock一定不会陌生,他们的成名曲That’s Why (You Go Away)一直在到处传唱。虽然乐队的名字中有Rock,但是他们一直坚持的却是抒情歌曲的路线,不断感动着各位歌迷。比较符合亚洲人喜好的曲风使他们在亚洲远比他们在西方要受欢迎。这张2004年的全新专辑包括10首旋律优美、琅琅上口的,充满MLTR抒情风格的作品,我们完全可以感受到他们对音乐的执着和诚意。特别值得推荐的是专辑同名主打歌曲Take Me to Your Heart,大家听了肯定会感到十分亲切,因为这首歌是MLTR专为感谢中国歌迷一直以来对他们的喜爱和支持而特别翻唱香港天王张学友的名曲《吻别》,同时也进行了一些改编,使之更符合MLTR的风格。我们可以听到,MLTR的版本中少了一份哀怨,多了几分深情,编排清新动听,歌词浅显易懂,因此DJ Leo特别向大家推荐,是西方流行音乐爱好者和英语学习者都不可错过的好歌,让我们一起再一次感受MLTR的真情演绎。

吻别英文版歌词Take Me to Your Heart文本

Take Me to Your Heart 把我带进你的心

Michael Learns to Rock 麦克学摇滚

Hiding from the rain and snow (1) 避开雨雪

Trying to forget but I won’t let g o (2) 想要忘记,但又不愿放手

Looking at a crowded street 注视拥挤的街道

Listening to my own heart beat (3) 聆听自己的心跳

So many people all around the world 世界上那么多人

Tell me where do I find someone like you girl 在哪里才能找到像你这样的女孩

*Take me to your heart take me to your soul (4) 把我带进你的心灵

Give me your hand before I’m old 在我还没有衰老的时候让我握你的手

Show me what love is - haven’t got a clue (5) 告诉我爱的真谛--我还对爱毫无概念

Show me that wonders can be true (6) 让我看到奇迹可以成真

They say nothing lasts forever 都说没有什么是永久的

We’re only here today 我们只有今天

Love is now or never (7) 爱是稍纵即逝的机会

Bring me far away 带我去远方吧

**Take me to your heart take me to your soul 把我带进你的心灵

Give me your hand and hold me 让我握你的手,拥抱我

Show me what love is, be my guiding star (8) 告诉我爱的真谛,做我的指路明灯

It’s easy, take me to your heart 一切都很简单,把我带进你的心吧

Standing on a mountain high (9) 站在高山上

Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky 望着月亮,天空湛蓝

I should go and see some friends 我该去看望看望朋友

But they don’t reall y comprehend (10) 但是他们不会真正理解我的感受

Don’t need too much talking without saying anything无话可说就不必多谈

All I need is someone who makes me wanna sing (11) , 我只需要一个让我想歌唱的人


(1) hide from… 这里的意思是躲避起来不受……损害/伤害;躲开……之义,这里是介词from的一个重


It is difficult for stars to hide from paparazzi. 明星们要躲开狗仔队很困难。

You are always hiding from the truth. 你总是不肯面对真相。


protect sb./sth. from… 保护……不受……的危害

I will protect you from all around you. 我会保护你不受周围一切的伤害。(Phil Collins You’ll

Be in My Heart)

shelter (sb. / sth.) from… 遮蔽/掩护……不受……的危害/影响

I will keep you safe and strong, and shelter from the storm. 我会好好保护你,为你遮蔽风

雨。(Boyzone No Matter What)

be free from… 不受……(影响,危害等)

The more expensive kind of antique shop where rare objects are beautifully displayed in glass cases to keep them free from dust is usually a forbidding place. 高档一些的古玩店为了防尘把货品好看地陈列在玻璃柜中,往往让人望而却步。(Lesson 34, New Concept English Book 3) He, may never be sure where the next meal is coming from, but he is free from the thousands of anxieties which afflict other people. 他(流浪汉)可能不知道下顿饭从何而来,但他不像其他人那样受到数不胜数的烦心事的折磨。(Lesson 27, New Concept English Book 3)

另外请注意,本句歌词中的hide作不及物动词用,表示躲避,藏身,hide也可以当作及物动词来用,含义是将……隐藏,因此要注意区别hide from…和hide… from…两个词组,后者表示将……隐藏/掩盖起来不让……看见/发现,例如:

The president hid the truth from the people. 总统向人民隐瞒了真相。

If the landscape is hidden from view, you can enjoy the extraordinary sight of unbroken cloud plains that stretch out for miles before you, while the sun shines brilliantly in a clear sky. 如果地面上的景色被遮住了,可以欣赏展现在面前的延绵数里的云海,同时阳光灿烂,天空澄清。(Lesson 44, New Concept English Book 3)
