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用爱筑起一个家A former cab...




A former cabinet minister once infamously described the homeless as "the people you stepover when youre coming out of the opera." As reprehensible a joke as it is, his words areabout to be thrown back at him, or rather sung back, by the kind of people he once steppedover. This week, Streetwise Opera, a company made up of homeless and ex-homeless players,is set to perform at the Royal Opera House as part of the London 2020 Festival build up to theOlympic Games. And, according to its founder, its the first time the homeless have been part ofan Olympic Games and not been "overlooked, made unwelcome, or moved on." The salutarything about this story is that the people you and I, or even ministers, might

be "stepping over"almost certainly arent who we think they are. The Streetwise Opera itself includes three ex-servicemen, an architect, two music teachers, or who for different reasons, found themselveswithout a home and on the street. The idea that the homeless are different to the likes of us isreally a failure of imagination. Its also a very dangerous way of thinking. As the latest nationalstatistics released in June show, the number of homeless in England has risen by almost 1/5compared with the same period last year. Homelessness isnt something that happens to otherpeople.


A few years ago, I stepped over someone lying in a stairwell in Piccadilly. I was so full of my ownconcerns, I didnt see a person, just an obstacle to get around. After walking about 50 yards Ithought "what am I doing?" I went back and asked him what he needed. It wasnt a greatquestion. It was minus three degrees. "A decent sleeping bag would be a start," he said. So Iwent to Lilywhites and got him a tog factor 12 bag. When I returned we talked and he told mehed once been a soldier. What he really needed was to work again.


Theres a story in Matthews gospel thats always kept me guessing. Its both comfort to thosein need and a warning to those who think theyve got it sorted. Its the one where Jesusseparates the sheep from the goats. And it suggests that eternal life isnt dependent on howreligious we are, but whether weve actually fed the one who is hungry, invited the stranger intoour house, or clothed the person in need of clothes. Because, He points out, if we are doing itto them, we are doing it to Him. The next time we pass someone in a
