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八下Un it 6重点短语

1. try to do something 努力做…tr y doing sth 试着干某事 try one ’s best to d o sth 尽最大努力干某事

2. Jour ney t o the West 西游记;Yu Gong M ov es a Moun tain 愚公移山

H ou Yi Sho ots the Suns 后羿射日;N u Wa Re pairs the Sky 女娲补天

3. m ove the mountains 移山

4. fi nish doing sth = en d u p do in g 完成或结束干某事

5. co ntinue doin g sth= continu e to d o sth 继续干某事

6. once upon a time 从前=l ong, long a go 很久很久以前

7. th e ea rth and stone fr om th e mo unta ins 山上的泥土和石头

8. work on doin g s ome thi ng从事…

9. a g od w as so mo ved by Yu G ong 一位神仙如此感动于愚公 10. s en d two gods to tak e the mo un tains away 派两位神仙去把山搬走 11. f in d a goo d way to solv e hi s problem 找到解决他的问题的好方法 12. a little bit silly 有点傻 a litt le bit+形容词/副词=k ind of a bit of +不可数名词 = a l it tle +不可数名词 a b it of water 一点儿水 13. i nstead of…代替…/ 而不是…+do ing/ 名词(常放在句子之中)

i nstea d 反而,而不是 (常放在句子末尾) 14. s eem +形容词=see m(to be ) +形容词se em p os si ble=s eem t o b e po ssible

se em to d o sth 似乎要干某事 =It seems / seem ed that +从句 15. d ifferen t opinio ns ab out the stor y关于这个故事的不同的观点 16. n ei th er o f you a re wr ong 你们两个都错了(也跟单数谓语形式) 17. k eep d oing sth 坚持干某事 gi ve up doing sth 放弃干某事 18. b e able t o d o st h= ca n do st h 能做某事 (前者可用各种时态) 19. a n ew TV progra m called Monkey 被叫做M onkey 的新电视节目 20. f o r the firs t time 第一次 21. t h e mai n chara cter 主角,主人公 22. t ra ditional Chin ese book 传统的中国书籍 23. i n fact 事实上 24. m a ke 72 c hanges to his shap e and size 它的外形有72变 25. tu rn… into…把…变成…tur n hi mself into differe nt an imals an d objec ts

把自己变成不同的动物和物体 26. t o fi ght bad p eople = in or der to figh t bad pe ople 为了对付坏人 27. a magi c st ick 魔法棒 28. k eep i t in his ear 放在耳朵里 29. a t ot her ti mes 另外的时候 30. exc ite s b 使某人兴奋或激动=sb b e excited about s th=sth is excit ing . 31. c ome out 出版, 发行(无被动语态) 32. m ore t han 30 year s a go = over 30 years ago 30多年以前 33. b ecom e interest ed in…变得对…感兴趣 34. k eep fighting t o hel p th e we ak and never give up 不断战


35. one of the mos t popu lar s tor ies 最受欢迎的故事之一 36. t he m ost fam ou s C hines e sto ry 最著名的中国故事 37. t he weak= w ea k pe op le弱者 38. t hink of ways to fi ght the m=thi nk of ways of do in g想方设法打他们 39. c hild ren all ov er the w orld 全世界的孩子all over =around 40. s o und stu pi d听起来愚蠢 41. c heat the emp er or 欺骗皇帝=the em per or be che ated 42. keep everything for thems elves 把每样东西据为己有 43. m ak e special cloth es for th e emper or为皇帝做特别的衣服 44. a n em per or who loved clothes 一个喜欢衣服的皇帝 45. w alked thro ugh the city we arin g his new c lo the s穿着新衣服走过城市 46. f al l i n lov e with …爱上… 47. f it sb 适合某人;b e fit for s th / to do 适合。。。。。。 keep fit 保持健康 48. c an ’t / co uldn’t help/ stop doi ng s th ( smili ng)情不自禁地笑起来 49. get married to sb 和某人结婚(不和ho w lo ng, f or, si nce 连用表短暂性)

be marri ed t o sb (常和how lon g, for , since 等连用 表持续性) 50. m ake a pl an to sa ve him self and hi s sister 制定计划去拯救自己和妹妹 51. the /my / this who le +可数名词单数 fami ly /st or y整个家庭/故事(整体)

all the / my / t hese students 所有的学生(侧重个体常接名词复数形式) 52. in the moonl ight 在月光下 53. h ear our stepm ot her plannin g to kill u s听见我们的继母正计划杀死我们

hear the voic e o f an o ld w om an co ming f ro m the house 听见房子里传来一位老妇人的声音 54. S lee ping Beauty <睡美人> 55. g et woo d砍柴 56. b e lo st=get lost 迷路=lo se one ’s way 57. hav e no more stone s再也没有石头no mo re = not a ny m ore (no more 放在助后行前,an y mo re 放在句末) 58. l ead somebo dy to …带领某人到…, 引导某人到… 59. t he h ou se make o f bread, cake a nd c andy 由面包,蛋糕和糖制成的房子 60. f rom inside t he h ouse 从房子里面 61. t h e pi ec es o f bread 面包屑 62. find th ei r way ho me 找到回家的路find on e’s way to school 63. s h ow t heir w ay ho me 向他们指明回家的路 show one ’s w ay to school 64. t he n ext m ornin g/we ek/yea r第二天上午/第二个周/第二年 65. the movi e was so tou ch ing /moving …这部电影是如此令人感动 66. th e boy was so move d / touched …这个男孩子如此感动 67. a ll(tha t) he cou ld s ee = wha t he could s ee他所能看见的东西

all 后省掉that 是定语从句 what 引导宾语从句all th a

t=what(中考点) 68. I t seem s impo ss ib le to do so methi ng=It is n’t po ss ib le to do something 做…看起来是不可能的. 69. t he rest o f the st ory 故事的其余部分 70. d o i t做成功 71. d ay aft er day and yea r af te r year 日复一日,年复一年


1. It d oesn’t se em ver y po ssi ble to move a mountai n.看起来要移山不太可能=It se ems very imp ossibl e to do sth

2. the stor y is tr ying to show u s that any th in g is pos sibl e if yo u work hard .


3. What could Yu Gon g do inste ad of m ovin g the mountains?愚公要是不移山,他可以做什么呢?

4. Th at’s be tt er and fa ste r tha n moving a mo untain .那比移山更好,更快.

5. Ther e ar e many s ide s to a story and man y wa ys to understand it.一个故事有许多角度, 也有许多方法去理解.

6. T his is be cau se he can m ake 72 changes to h is sha pe an d size, tur ning himself in to dif fe rent animals an d ob jects .这是因为他会72变,从形状到大小, 把自己变成不同的动物和物体.

7. He cann ot t urn hims elf into a pers on unless he can h ide h is t ail.


8. The Mon key Ki ng ha s exc ited the ch ild ren of China for many year s.猴王已经感动了中国的孩子许多年了.

9. The wi fe tol d her hu sband t hat un less he l eft the children to die in t he fo rest, t he w ho le fami ly would die .妻子告诉丈夫,除非他把孩子留在森林里死去,全家都会死. 10. D on’t eat it un ti l you get to the fores t.到了森林才可以吃. 11. I’m droppi ng white stones along the way .我在沿路撒白色的小石子. 12. What a long tim e you sl ept in th e f ores t!你们在森林里睡好久哇! 13. A s s oon as the moon ri ses , we c an follow them i nstea d.一旦太阳升起来,我们就可以寻着它们(面包屑)走. 14. T hat b ird’s song is so b eautif ul th at we s hould fol lo w it.鸟儿的歌是如此美妙, 以至于我们应该跟着它走. 15. W h en the emperor put on t he cl othe s, al l he cou ld s ee wa s h is underwea r.

当皇帝穿上衣服的时候,他所能看见的就只有他的内裤. 16. T hat’s w hat his wife sai d, too.那也是他的妻子所说的话. 17. T he s ea is b ig enough to hol d ever ything.大海足够顺丰可以容纳下一切. 18. H is family would l ive and g row, but th e mountains cou ld not get bigge r.他的家人会生活并成长,而山不可能变大. 19. P eop le co uldn’t see the clot hes u nle ss they wer e cleve r.人们不能看见衣服,除非他们聪明. 20. T he emp er or is n’t wear in g any c lothes!后帝一丝不挂! The emperor is wea ring no cl ot hes. not …any = n o 21. T he pri nc e kne w th at unle ss the g ir l’s f oot could fit the shoe, it wa s not the ri ght girl.王子知道,除非女孩子的脚与鞋相符,它就不是他想要的女孩.
