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Problems of English Language Teaching in China

Since China adopted the policy of reform and open,international communication has been increasing constantly.English,as the most common language throughout the world,the importance of English has been recognized gradually.Now English class is one of the most important class in schools and students ranging from the pupil是to the graduates are learning English.A mass of English tests are existing to measure the level of English of students.

However,the problems of English language teaching in China stand out with the enthusiasm of the English learning.There are two problems I want to discuss in this paper.One is the purpose of English teaching,the other is the method of English teaching.

When I was in senior high school,my English teacher said that many students in China did not like English at all,but she still asked us to spare no efford to learn English well so that we could pass the college entrance exam smoothly.It is the truth that English is an important subject in senior high school entrance exam,college entrance exam and even the post graduate entrance exam,but this sentence also reflects a fact that many teachers,especially the teachers in junior high schools and senior high schools,under the pressure of enrollment rate , just regard English as a subject and try their best to help student gain high scords in exams,not to cultivate the interest of English for the student and neglect English as language itself,let alone introduce the western culture in the class.For example,some teachers may tell students that they must choose “13”if the question touch on which the unlucky number is in western people.While the teachers never explain why 13 is not lucy in the view of western people.Even in the colleges,a lot of English teachers emphsize the passing rate of CET4 or CET6 because the grade of CET 4 or CET 6 is a stepping- stone to success when college students look for jobs.In fact, these requirements do not accord with the initial purpose of teaching English.The initial purpose is that English should be taught as a mean to communicate with the world and to know multiculture of different countries over the world.By learning English,students should open the eyes to see the diversity of the world.It is the wrong purpose that teachers teach students English to help them pass all kinds of Enlish tests in China.

Because the purpose of teaching English is wrong, the method to teach English is not advisable accordingly.Listening,speaking,reading and writing are the most basic skills in English,but teachers attach the great importance to the reading and the listening but give students few opportunities to practice speaking and writting.In the class,some teachers adopt “Duck-stuffing type of teaching”yet students have no chance to practice the sentences which they have learnt or to communicate with teachers in English.What they have to do is just to take notes so that they can master the grammer well and then get a good marks in tests. Because of the limitation of the teaching progress,teachers can not spare time to students to let them speak English freely in class. Although we know that English is a language used to express one’s idea and get some information from others,teachers just consider it as a subject in class.What is more,the materials that students listen or read is not
