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Unit 1

1. A: Where is the teachers’ office? 教师办公室在哪里?

B: It’s on the first floor. 在一楼。

2. A: How many students are there in your class?你们班有多少个学生?

B: There are fifty-five.有五十五人。

3. A: Do you have a library?你们/你有图书馆吗?

B:(肯)Yes, we do. / Yes, I do.我们有。 / 我有。

(否)No, we don’t. / No, I don’t.我们没有。 / 我没有。

4. The library is on the first floor.图书馆在一楼。

5. Your school is beautiful.你们学校真漂亮。

6. We have a new computer room.我们有个新的电脑教室。

7. A: Is this the library? 这是图书馆吗

B: (肯)Yes, it is. 是的。

(否)No, it’s not. / No, it isn’t. 不,不是。

8. This is my computer.这是我的电脑。

9. That is your computer. 那是你的电脑。

( ) 1、Is that a _________? No,it’s a _________.

A. light…light …picture …shoes

( )2、Is ______your shirt? Yes, ____ is.

A. this…is …it …this

() the computer room? It's _______the first floor.


B、 What…… on


Unit 2

1. A: What time is it? 现在几点了?

B: It’s two o’clock. 现在两点了。

2. It’s 8:35. It’s time for English class.现在8:35了。该上英语课了。

3. It’s 9:45. It’s time for math class.现在9:45了。该上数学课了。

4. It’s time to go to school. 该上学了。

5. Breakfast is ready! 早餐准备好了。

6. School is over. 放学了。

7. Let’s go to the playground.让我们一起去操场。

( )1、_________is it ? It’s ten o’clock.

A. What colour time for

( )2、Oh,it’s time_____go to bed.

A. to

B. for

C. At

( ) my clock. It’s nice.


B、 at


Unit 3

’s the weather like in New York?纽约的天气怎么样?

’s rainy.是下雨天。

it cold?天冷吗? No,it isn’t.不,不冷。 It’s 26 degrees.是26度。

I go outside now?现在我能出去吗?Yes,you can/No,you can’t.是的,你能。/不,你不能。

is cold outside.外边冷。

is the weather report.这是天气预报。

( )1、__________the weather like in New York?

A. Where

B. What ’s

( )2、_______I go outside now?

Yes,you can

A. Can

B. Do

C. Are

( )3、Is it cold?


isn’t B. it is C. he is

( )4、天气既温暖又阳光充足。

A. It is warm and sunny.

B. It is warm and windy. is warm and snowy. Unit 4

1. What are these?

They are _______.

A:tomato B: tomatos C: tomatoes


A: What are these? B: What are those? C: What is that?

3.Are _______hens?

Yes,they are.

. .

Unit 5

1.whose coat is this?这是谁的外套?It’s mine.它是我的。

2.Whose sweater is that?那是谁的毛衣?It’s yours.它是你的。

3.whose pants are those?那条裤子是谁的?They are your father’s.他们是你爸爸的。

4.Whose shoes are these?这双鞋是谁的?They are my mother’s.他们是你妈妈的。

5.Are these yours?这些是你的吗?No,they aren’t.不,不是。

those mine?这些是我的吗?Yes,they are.是的,他们是。

this John’s?这是John的吗?Yes,it is.是的,他是。

that my mother’s?那是我妈妈的吗?NO,is isn’t.不,不是。


(1) coat whose this is (?)

(2) pants those whose are (?)

(3) Is John’s this (?) .

Unit 6

1.Can I help you?我能为你做点什么?

2.These shoes are nice!这双鞋非常的漂亮。
