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11、A car engine started from cold takes time to warm up and to reach its correct operating temperature. The quicker it reaches that temperature the sooner it begins operating at its most efficient.


12、Each type of motor has its particular field of usefulness. Because of its simplicity, economy, and durability, the induction motor is more widely used for industrial purposes than other type of ac motor, especially if a high-speed drive is desired.


13、Almost all constant-speed machines may be driver by as squirrel-cage motors because these motors ate made with a variety of speed and torque characteristics. When large motors are required or when power supply is limited, the wound-rotor motor is used, even to drive constant-speed machines.


14、20、For example,to make an LED work, you need a voltage supply and a resistor. If you try to use an LED without a resistor, you will probably burn out the LED. The LED has very little resistance so large amounts of current will try to flow through it unless you limit the current with a resistor. If you try to use an LED without a power supply, you will be highly disappointed.


15、The word control is usually taken to mean regulate(regulate 调整), direct, or command. Control systems abound(abound 大量存在) in our environment. In the most abstract(abstract 理论上的、抽象的)sense(sense 意义) it is possible to consider every physical object as a control system.


16、The thermostat is usually found on the cylinder head just where the top hose joins from the radiator. Inside is a small, sealed capsule filled with. When the engine is turned on, the valve in the thermostat is closed. Even though the water pump is working, it cannot pump water through the closed thermostat, and instead travels through a bypass.


17、Fuses can stop this trouble. A fuse is only a thin wire which easily melts. It is fixed in a fuse-holder(保险盒). The fuse-holder is made of some material which cannot burn. A large

current makes the fuse hot and then it melts away. We say that the fuse “blows”.保险丝能够防止这类事故的发生。保险丝不过是一种熔化的细导线,安装在保险盒里。保险盒是由不能燃烧的材料做成的。大电流使保险丝烧热,然后就熔化了。这就是我们常的保险丝“烧”了。

18、These strips connect the holes on the top of the board. This makes it easy to connect components together to build circuits. To use the breadboard, the legs of components are placed in the holes. The holes are made so that they will hold the component in place. Each hole is connected to one of the metal strips running underneath the hole.


19、When we introduced the subject of alternating current we said that the very great use made of A.C. supply systems is due to the ease with which an A.C supply can be stepped up or down in voltage. To do this we use a static transformer. (static transformer静态变压器)This device transforms low-voltage energy into high-voltage energy or vice versa.


20、Because the primary and secondary windings do not occupy exactly the same space, some of the flux that links one winding does not link the other winding so that the E.M.F.S per turn of two windings is not exactly the same. This flux is called the leakage flux (leakage flux 渗漏通量).

