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1. pencil-box ___________

2. wife _______

3. Sunday________

4. city______

5. dress _______

6. Englishman ________

7. match _______ 8. Chinese ________9. zoo ________

10. exam________ 11. German __________

12. I have a lot of ________(作业) to do every day.


1.June 1st is ____ Day all over the world.

A. Child’s

B. Childs’

C. Children’s

D. Childrens’

2.September 10th is ___ Day in China, isn’t it?

A. Teacher’s

B. Teachers’

C. Teacher

D. Teacher of

3.They like Chinese _____.

A. food and peoples

B. foods and people

C. foods and people

D. food and people

4.Lucy and I go to school _____ every day.

A. on feet

B. on foot

C. by foots

D. by buses

5. –Are those _____? -No, they aren’t. They’re _____.

A. sheep; cows

B. sheep; cow

C. sheeps; cow

D. sheeps; cows

6. What are you listening to, Jane? ____ or ____?

A. a music; a news

B. music; news

C. music; news

D. music; a news

7.A group of ____ are talking with two ___ over there.

A. Frenchmen; Germans

B. Frenchmen; Germen

C. German; Frenchmen

D. Germans; Frenchmans

8.That bus driver drank two _____.

A. glass of water

B. glasses of waters

C. cups of tea

D. cup of tea

9.There is ______ tree in our school.

A. a 8-metres-tall

B. an-8-metre-tall

C. an 8 metres tall


1. –Whose is this new desk?-It’s _____.

A. Sue and Jim’s

B. Sue and Jim

C. Sue’s and Jim’s

2. –How many _____ do you want?-Two, please.

A. kilos of egg

B. kilo of eggs

C. kilos of egg

D. kilo of bread

3. –Where are you going, Lucy?-_______.

A. To my uncle

B. T o my uncle’s

C. At my uncle

D. At my uncle’s

4. –Help yourself to some _________.

-Thank you. I really like them.(2001汕头)

A. fish

B. orange

C. bread

D. cakes

5. Where is ________ sweater? I can’t see it.(2001四川)

A. Lucy

B. Lucys

C. Lucy’s

6. The little baby has two _______ already.(2001天津)

A. tooth

B. tooths

C. teeth

D. teeths

7. Yesterday a few _____ came to visit some ______ in Shantou.

A. German; places of interest

B. Germans; places of interests

C. Germans; places of interest

D. Germen; places of interest

8. When autumn comes, ______ of most trees turn yellow and then fall down.

A. leaf

B. leafs

C. leave

D. leaves
