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1.With less money there was no less satisfaction with living, no less warmth of spirit, no less pleasure in one another’s company.虽然钱少一点,但是人们并不缺少对生活的满足、精神的温暖和心灵的契合。

So far so as happiness is concerned, it hardly matters whether one drives a BMW or, like so many of the Scots, walks or rides a bus.就快乐而言,无论一个人是开宝马还是像许多苏格兰人一样走路或搭乘公交车,他所获得的快感都不会有太大的差别。

Feeling the short-run influence of events, people use such events to explain their happiness, all the while missing subtle but bigger influences on their long-run well-being.人们感觉到这些事件的短期影响,并以这样的事来解释他们的快乐,却在此时忽视了那些对长期幸福有着更微妙但影响更显著的因素。

When the possessor becomes possessed by accumulating ever-more possessions, the adaptation, the adaptation-level phenomenon has run wild.当所有者被积聚更多的所有品这种方式所迷,适应水平这个现象就失控了。

Never has a culture experienced such physical comfort combined with such psychological misery. Never have we felt so free, or had our prisons so overstuffed. Never have we been so sophisticated about pleasure, or so likely to suffer broken relationships.从来没有一个文化经过这样的物质舒适和这样的心理伤痛.我们从未感到如此自由.监狱里却又人满为患.我们从没有对幸福的感情如此复杂.也从未这么容易关系破裂而受伤。Happiness is less a matter of getting what we want than of wanting what we have.珍惜

The conclusion is provocative, because it explodes a bomb-shell underneath our society’s materialism: Economic growth in affluent countries provides no apparent boost to human morale.结论是煽动性的,因为它在我们社会的物质主义下起爆了一颗炸弹:富裕国家的经济增长并没有明显地升华人的精神。Psychologically as well as materially, it is much better to be high caste than low castes.

2.During the 1930s, the most admired beauties were stars like Greta Garbo,Carole Lombard and Jean Harlow. Their beauty was of a very different kind. The total range of black and white filming favored a face with a good shape, with prominent cheekbones that cast shadows like a sculpture.20世纪30年代,最让人羡慕的美人是那些电影明星,例如葛丽泰嘉宝,卡罗尔.隆巴德以及简.哈洛。她们的美丽与上面所说的截然不同。黑白电影更适合那些具有优美线条的脸蛋,就像雕塑一样投射出迷人的阴影。

Call it nature or nurture, harmless fantasy or insidious indoctrination, but Hollywood is discovering that it still pays not to fight the royal urge.说本性也罢,后天教养也好,无害的幻想也罢,诱人的灌输也好,但是好莱坞发现满足人们对王室电影的迫切要求仍然有利可图。

You can have the girly dream of glass slippers and true love, these films say, as well as the womanly ideal of self-determination and independence-and any contradictions between them are no match for the mo vies’ magic.你可以拥有少女的梦想,憧憬着水晶鞋和真爱,也可以立志做一个坚决果断、自立自强的新时代女子。而这两者的矛盾冲突都无法与电影的魔力抗衡。

For the modern Cinderellas’ audience, which takes that freedom as a given, the wish is to also be able-unashamedly-to fall in love and go to the ball.对于现代灰姑娘的观众而言,她们认为这样的自由是与生俱来的。她们的愿望是还能毫无顾忌地谈恋爱、参加舞会、享受浪漫。

But to succeed on both the feminist and the fantasy level, the new Cinderella has developed rules and conventions as strict as a Joseph Campbell template.但是要想宣扬女权主义的同时又不失浪漫主义色彩,新版灰姑娘已经制定了像约瑟夫.坎贝尔模式一样的严格的条条框框。

I don’t want to sound like an arch-feminist, says Sherry Lansing, chairman of Paramount, ”but it really is important that imparts contemporary values. It’s a good love that allows both people to remain whole in it.”

执导《王子与我》的帕拉蒙特总裁切里.兰欣说:“我并不想听起来像一个头号的女权主义者,但它反映了当代的价值,这点是真正重要的,这是一个美丽的爱情,并在生活中使两人继续保持这份完整的爱。”As silent movies came to an end, body language was no longer the key point in movies. The audience were
