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1.W: What do your students often do at weekends?

M: They often go and read in the bookshop.

2.M: What would you like to have, cakes, eggs or apples?

W: None, Dad. I only want something to drink.

3.M: How are you going to Los Angeles?

W: I planned to drive there, but my car has broken down. I will go by air.

4.M: Please don’t take photos in our museum.

W: Sorry, I didn’t notice the sign.

5.W: Listen! Jane is laughing.

M: She is in the sitting room alone. I think she is reading comics again.

6.M: When should I get to the airport tomorrow?

W: Please be there no later than a quarter to nine.

7.W: Oh ! The meeting will begin in 20 minutes. I’m afraid I’ll be late.

M: Don’t worry! I can drive you there in my car with in 10 minutes.

8.W: Why are you still here? Are you going on reading that book till the library closes?

M: I know it’s late. But such bad weather makes me stay.

9.M: Why did you cook for yourself?

W: Because when I got home, my family had finished supper.

10.W: I got here at five to eleven. What time is it now?

M: My watch says a quarter past eleven.




M: Where are you going for your holiday?

W: I’m going to Hainan with my family.

M: The weather there must be very hot at this time of the year.

W: Yes, but I don’t mind it because I like swimming.

M: Great! How long are you going to stay there?

W: For a week. How about you? Where are you going?

M: I’m going to the west of China to work as a volunteer. I’ll stay there for a month.

W: Sounds great.


To most Chinese people, supper is the most important meal of the day. During the daytime, we have to go to work and don’t have too much time for breakfast and lunch. So after a day’s work, we always pay much attention to supper. How can we eat a healthy supper?

First, it’s necessary to drink some soup before eating. Then, during the supper, you’d better eat some vegetables, meat and rice. They’re good for your health and will provide enoug h energy for you. After supper, it’s a good habit to take a walk for about half an hour. Also you can have some fruit.


World Earth Day was started in 1970. Now it is celebrated on April 22 in more than 192 countries every year.

Why do we celebrate Earth Day? Because we have only one earth and it is our only home. It is getting very dirty. It is our duty to protect and save it.

In some countries, many people and groups join in Earth Day projects such as “Protect Our Home” and “Water for Life”.

You can join in one of the projects, or start one of your own. It can be something small like planting a tree with your family, or something big like cleaning up a park with your classmates or friends. You can do almost anything. Try to think of something you can do.



1-5:BBBAB 6-10:AACAB 11-15:BBBBA 16-20:CABCC 笔试部分

一、单选:1-5:BDDBD 6-10: DCDBD 11-14: ACBA

二、完型:15-19: CABDC 20-24: BADCB

三、阅读:25-27: BAA 28-30: ABD 31-33: DCD 34-DBDC


1. carelessness

2. mentioned

3. courage

4. strictest

5. impatient

6. correctly

7. leaders’

8. death


1. drinking

2. were driving

3. made

4. were discovered

5. has fixed

6. is encouraged

7. to learn

8. is working


1.brought him to the attention of

2.are devoting themselves to preventing/ stopping

3.what the/ this song will remind him of

4.succeeded in trying out for/ had success (in) trying out for

5.Are you allowed to stay out

6.have lived in fear of their lives


1. ways

2. provide

3. supper

4. but

5. brush

6. spreading

7. Exercising

8. energetic

9. less 10. improving


The person who has influenced me most is my uncle. He’s in his thirties. Now he is the general manager of the company. He always works to high standards.He pays attention to every detail,but he’s modest and easy to work with. He’s ready to take on new challenges. He’s creative enough to come up with new ideas. He never gives up whenever he faces difficulty. He has a heart full of love. (Last week he donated some blood to the patients. He has cared for the children who have lost their parents since he began to work.) I’m proud of him. We should learn from him.
