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46) believe相信, assert断言, claim声称, argue争论, assume假设, maintain主张, contend斗争坚持说, point out指出, be convinced that确信, accept接受, prove证明, demonstrate展示游行证明, validate证明, state状态,州,说明,陈述, scribe描述, tell说明, show说明展示, consider考虑, opine表达观点, difficulty困难, difficult困难的, compensate补偿, compensate for补偿, advantage优点, advantageous有优势的, advance进步发展, force力量被迫, strength力量, power力量, thus 因此, therefore因此, hence因此, enable使能够, detect探察发现, detector侦探侦测器, error错误, mistake失误, false错误, flaw缺点瑕疵, shortcoming缺点, reason推理原因, reasoned理性的, reasoning推理, reasonable合理的, observe观察, observation观察, observer观察者;

47) follow跟随, pure纯, purely纯, abstract抽象的, attract吸引, concrete具体的, limit限制有限的, confine限制, certain确认;

48) as well也, as well as和一样, found建立, charge指控, change改变, critics批评家, criticize批评, critical关键的重要的, criticism批评, while当然而;

49) add加, addition增加, in addition此外, additional另加的,

tradition传统, traditional传统的, humble谦虚的, humbly谦虚地, perhaps也许, possible可能, possibly可能, probable可能, probably可

能地, superior比高级有优势, superior to比高级, super超级, inferior

不如, inferior to不如, common普通, ordinary普通, banal普通的陈腐的, notice注意说明, attention注意, escape逃跑, carefully当心, careful

小心的, care关心, take care of照顾;

50) loss失去, lose丢失 (lost), at a loss迷茫不知所措, take a loss亏损, injurious对有伤害, injure受伤, injury受伤, intellect智力, intellectual智力知识分子, intelligence智力, wisdom智慧, moral道德, virtue美德, virtually实际上事实上, virtual虚拟的, character文字角色性格, characterize有特点, characteristic特色;


46) legal法律的合法的, law法律, preserve保存, conserve保留保护, institution机构, constitution宪法, view观点景色, view…as把看作为, regard…as把看作为, take…as把看作为, see…as把看作为, special特别, specialize专业, specific具体的, especial尤其的, especially尤其是; peculiar奇怪的特有的独特的, peculiar to特有的, particular特殊的, particularly特别是, rather than而不是, necessary必须的, essential必不可少的, essence精华, critical关键的重要的, significant重要的, significance重要性, equipment装备, equip装有, facility设施;

47) link连接, connect联系, connection联系, on the other另外, on the other hand另一方面, on the one hand一方面, concept概念, notion观念

概念, real真实, reality现实, in a way以这种方式, in a manner以这种

方法, in a form以这种形式, parallel平行, parallel to与相平行,

journal杂志, journalist记者, base基础, basic基础的, basis基础, comment评论, comment on评论, cover报道覆盖评论;

48) idea观点理论想法, profound深刻的, profoundly深刻地, far-

reaching影响深远的意义重大的深刻的, citizen市民, rest on/upon依靠取

决于, rely on依靠取决于, depend on/upon依靠取决于, responsible负责的, responsibility责任, be held responsible for对负责, response反响

响应, media媒介, news media新闻媒体, news agency新闻办, establish建立, established已经建立的, establishment机构建立, convention传统;

49) grasp抓掌握, have a grasp of掌握, command命令, have a good command of掌握, feature特点, competent竞争, competition竞争, competitive有竞争力的 , compete竞争,

50) reaction反映, react反映, action行动, in action在起作用, interaction互相作用, enhance提高, promotion提高, promote促进, preferable愿意的可取的, prefer宁愿, infer推理提示, confer商量,

favor喜欢, flavor风味, favorite喜欢的, judge评判法官, judgment评判, make judgments of对做出评判;


46) define定义, definition下定义, define…as…把定义为, select选择, elect挑选, individual个人的, active活力, activity活动, primary主要的, duty责任, thinking思考思维, thought思想思维;

47) analogous类似, analogous to与类似, analyze分析, analysis分析, function作用, obligation责任, be obliged to do sth被迫做某事有责任

做某事, be obliged to sb感谢某人, obligate被迫, be obligated to do

sth 被迫做某事, clear清楚明白, course课程, cause原因导致, lead to

导致, reveal揭露, decision决心, decisive果断的具有决定意义的,


48) exclude排除, exclusive排它的独家的, include包含, conclude得出结论, conclusion结论, contribute贡献, contribution贡献, contribute to

对做贡献, make contribution to做出贡献, distribute分发分散, distribution分散, accomplishment完成, accomplish完成, complete完全, solution解决, solve解决, resolve解决, be charged with承担, approach 接近方法, aspect方面, inspect研究洞察, expect期待, respect尊重方面, task任务;

49) code密码, rule规则, dedicate贡献, dedicate to把献给, govern管理, government政府, energy能力能量, conduct指挥, conduction指挥, production产品, produce生产, explore探索, exploration探索; more

than比多, less than比少, no more than不多于, no less than不少于, more than +数字多, more than +名词/动词不仅仅不只是, more than +形容

词/副词非常, no more than=not any more than不也不;
