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1.—I don’t know ________ he left in a hurry without any words this morning.

—Maybe he left the copy at home, for I heard the boss shouting.

A.how B.where C.when D.why




句意:--我不知道他今天早上为何一句话不说就匆匆忙忙走了。--可能是把复印件丢在家里了,因为我听到老板训斥了。考查连接副词。A. how怎样;B. where哪儿;C. when什么时候;D. why为什么。根据后文for I heard the boss shouting因为听到老板的训斥,可知是表原因。故选D。

2.—Could you please tell me _____?

—Find out which you can’t remember, memorize them and then practice them in reading. A.how many words and expressions I should remember

B.how I could remember so many words and expressions

C.how I can remember so many words and expressions





3.—Excuse me, could you tell me ______?

—Sorry, sir. I wasn’t there at that time.

A.how did the accident happen B.how the accident happened

C.how does the accident happen D.how the accident happens




4.---Judy, do you know_______? ---Sure, two days.

A.when did the sports meeting begin

B.where the sports meeting was held

C.how often the sports meeting is held

D.how long the sports meeting will last



试题分析:句意:朱迪,你知道运动会将持续多长时间吗?当然,两天。在宾语从句中只能使用陈述句语序,不能使用疑问句语序,结合答语中Sure, two days.可知该选D。


5.-- I don't know _______ during the summer vacation. Any advice?

-- How about doing some part-time jobs?

A.what should I do

B.where should I go

C.what I should do

D.where I should go



句意:我不知道暑假期间我应该去哪里。有什么建议吗?——去做些兼职怎么样?本句考查宾语从句。宾语从句的语序应为陈述语序,可排除A,B;根据下一句“How about doing some part-time jobs?”知上句在询问“做什么”而不是问“去哪里”故可排除D,选C。

6.—Tom, do you know if Sam _______ to my party next week?

—I think he will come if he __________.

A.comes; will invite B.will come; will be invited

C.comes; invites D.will come; is invited




7.-Dad, do you know ___________ return from Beijing? I miss her very much.

-Maybe next Sunday

A.how will Mum B.when will Mum. C.how Mum will D.when Mum will 【答案】D



句意:爸爸,你知道妈妈什么时候从北京回来吗?我非常想她。也许下星期天吧。本题考查宾语从句。宾语从句的语序:无论主句是陈述句还是疑问句,宾语从句都必须使用陈述语序。首先从语序上判断,选项A B是疑问语序被排除。how怎么样;when什么时候。依
